Performing salaah before azaan
Q: Can we make fajr 5 mins before athaan because of work related reasons?
Q: Can we make fajr 5 mins before athaan because of work related reasons?
Q: I am a mother of a 1 year old child. I want to do "educational insurance policy" for my son. Is subject policy allowed in Islam?
Q: I am a mazoor due to non stop bleeding for 5-6 months. I stay away for ten days and pray for twenty days.. The time of my regular flow changed and I have to read salah in the time of heavy bleeding.. Most of the time its amount is very small.. Now I am on my medication and a yellowish discharge is happening so the doctor told me that it is not blood.. I talked with wife of an aalim and she told me that it is haidh.. The doctor told me that after 21 days regular heavy flow will happen and 9 days have gone by of 21 days.. I left salah on 28 july and started on 7 july (4days from today).. Now am I mazoor so do I have to pray in the heavy flow days? Do I have to use tissue when praying salah?
Q: Please advice on the following: If a Darul Uloom collects zakat and their financials indicate that the bulk of the funds are for wages etc. When we asked them about it, they responded that we receive zakat for the students fees from donors. The funds directed to the payments of fees would become lillah. Please advise if this is permissible.
Q: I am struggling with this issue for some time and would like to receive some good advice inshallah.
I have met a good Muslim girl (as is common these days) and wish to pursue a halaal relationship with her. Her parents are aware of me, accept me and are very welcoming of the idea. However, my parents are not aware of the extent of my relationship with her. After a brief conversation I had (regarding marriage, not regarding the girl) with them, they have two issues.
1. We are a Pakistani family and the girl is from a South African family. They are concerned regarding the effects of the difference in culture on our household. They are typical joint family people while the girl and I myself are not too fond of that idea. Nonetheless, the issue is that they do not prefer to marry outside culture, while I disagree as I believe the requirement to be Muslim, not Pakistani. Regardless of that I have spent 8 years of my 22-year life in South Africa and as such am a part of this culture as much as I am a part of Pakistani culture.
2. They do not want to even initiate a conversation about marriage until I have graduated and have a stable job. I completely agree with the idea, that they want me to be able to support and provide for her and I will accept no exception. However, that will take around 2-3 years and until then our relationship will either be haraam or non-existent. The girl's family will not accept me just dating her for the next 3 years and Islamically this is wrong also. I wish to know what to do about this situation.
Lastly, if I were to approach my parents with the idea of Nikaah, what would be the best and safest way to go about doing this.
Q: I am taking khula from my husband. How much money should he give to me for the iddat period?
Q: I am a patient of chronic depression, in other words I am suffering from bi-polar depression and it was diagnosed by psychiatric and I am having extreme mood swings as well. Once in this condition I gave my wife many talaqs. Actually I uttered the word TALAQ many times. Is my talaq valid?
1. What is the difference between ‘qismat’ and ‘taqdeer’?
2. Which is the destiny that Allah has set for us and will happen no matter what? Also which is the destiny that Allah, if pleased with our Iman and Aamal, may change?
1. Does the wudhu of a female break if she does not cover her hair and any gair mahram sees her in that state?
2. Is bleeding and vomitting related to breaking of wudhu and fast?
3. What are the things which breaks ones wudhu?
Q: The person who likes me didnt introduced his parents to mine yet. However he mentioned me to his parents... I am 23 and he is 22... I dont want much delay.. the girls of my age usually have kids.. and here... I am not engaged yet.. Please help me as I am depressed.. I don't even talk properly with my parents due to this tension.