Marital problems

Q: My husband has been having an affair with a Hindu married woman. This affair is going on for a while now and she travels alot. He has changed and hits me and denies it. He even threw me out but doesn't want to break this haraam relationship. I have a son 11 years old and we are married for 20 years. I need a dua to destroy this enemy.

Using scented tissues and Makkah oil while fasting

Q: I have two questions:

1. During Ramadaan, while fasting I had a terrible migraine. I applied Makkah oil (green box medicine) on my forehead. Would the smell break my fast?

2. In Ramadhaan, while fasting I was in Australia. I had a running nose and used something like a Vicks scented tissue. I didn't know it was scented. Then I was confused where the smell came from so I blew my nose again. Only then I realized it was from the tissue. I think I could feel the smell going down in my nose. Is my roza accepted or must I make qadha?

Child born out of wedlock

Q: I am a 34 year old married Indian living in South Africa. I came here in 2014 alone for work, I met a Christian lady in 2015 and had sex with her, I did not know her but it happened suddenly/by chance and it was only once no more after that day, it was protected with condom. After one year that lady claimed that she gave birth to a baby girl from me, I wasn't sure with it and then I did a DNA test, the result is positive and says the baby is mine. So in this case what must I do? I cant marry her as I am already married and have 2 sons and they are with me now, I can't even adopt that child. What is the punishment of this great sin? Please advise me.

Informing one's parents that one got married secretly

Q: Me and this guy that I met had been chatting for almost a year. He phoned my parents to ask my hand in marriage and they said no because he has been married twice before. So we got married without them knowing. I had 2 witnesses present and a Moulana did our nikah. It has been 3 weeks since we got married and I am still staying by my parents house. Now I want to run away so I can be with my husband but not sure if I should first tell my parents that I am married or just run away and deal with the stress at a later stage or should I ask for a divorce?

Inviting a Christian to Islam

Q: I invited a Christian business aquaintence to Islam. Below is his reply, how do I answer him?

"Jesus appears more than Muhammad in the Quran. Find out why and tell me. Who made the blind see and the lame walk in the Quran? If you give me an honest answer. I will embrace Islam. Peace be with you."