Parents inheriting

Q: My wife passed away leaving behind a son and me. I know I get 1/4 of her inheritance. Does my wifes parents each get 1/6 each before remaining goes to my son - as per Surah al Nisa. The parents were not dependant on my wife but do they still get their share of 1/6. Or does the 1/6 rule only apply to parents if their son dies. So in my case, my wife' s parents get nothing. Section 2, verse 11 refers to " his" parents.

Assisting someone who practices sihr

Q: I need to know what is the ruling regarding a man giving money to a female knowing fair well that she uses the money to practise sihr. There is evidence in which she has admitted it and the person has forwarded messages. Also this man is no longer married to this female but financially supports her but doesn't support his wife.

Claiming money from one's father

Q: My dad gives money to pay the internet bill every month but the internet service bill has been paid automatically. I received a message yesterday and there's no one who knows how to pay the bill besides myself. So please advise me, is it permissible for me to take the internet bill money from my dad because I need the money to buy me a mobile phone?


Q: I want to know shares in iheritence according to sharia. My father had 2 wives, frst wife A had 3 sons and 1 daughter and the frst wife had passed away 60 years ago. Then my father married to my mother from whom he has 3 sons and 2 daughter. One son of wife A recently passed away a year ago who was not married at the time of death. Now please tell me whether the deceased's frst wife of my father will get her share or not in property. My father and my mother both are alive Alhamdulillah. Also tell me if my deceased step brother, who was not married, will get a share or not. Inheritence is of my grandfather who passed aaway a long time ago.

Marital issues

Q: Me and my wife are currently seperated and waiting for the MJC to discuss the matter. My wife says she is done with our marriage but I feel there is still room for reconcilliation. The question I have is as follows. 

1. I am being told that that my wifes decision and the fact that her mind is made up goes directly from her mother and eldest brother not to take me back. Please advise what I can do to as I want my wife back as well as my two kids. Even if there is a dua I can make to make things right between us..

Descension of Isa (alaihis salaam)

Q: I want to know what are the saying of Holy Quraan and Hadeeth about Esa (Alaihis salam) that he was not crucified and will come back in this world again.  Please give reference of Quraan and sahi hadeeth. Many muslim and non muslim do ask about this and I am unable to satisfy them in lack of Quraanic reference.