Renewing one's Imaan
Q: What is tajdeed-e-iman? Is it comulsory on muslim if someone dies with out it whether he would go to hell or Jannah. Enlighten me with quran and hadith.
Q: What is tajdeed-e-iman? Is it comulsory on muslim if someone dies with out it whether he would go to hell or Jannah. Enlighten me with quran and hadith.
Q: My husband has assets. He has two blood sons and one blood daughter. He now also has a stepson. Is the stepson entitled to any of his wealth after he dies unless otherwise stated in a will.
Q: It means a lot to my husband for me to thread/pluck my eyebrows. I feel if I don't he will be attracted to other women. What should I do?
Q: Is it allowed to do tadabbur in Qur'an?
Q: If children, grandchildren are adults who live on their own and do not possess the Zakaah Nisaab, can Zakaah be given to them if the parents are not wealthy but possess the Zakaah nisaab?
Q: My friend's mother died last year and they had 8 kids. It was less than a year and the dad fought with his children on purpose and ruined his kids birthday so that he can go Pakistan. It was a planned visit and went Pakistan and got married against his kids wishes. All he does is listens to his wife and has pushed all his kids away from him. He don't listen to the kids and all he does all day is talks to his wife. All he does is listens to that lady and then wants his kids to listen to him. Don't know what she should do? The lady is greedy and wants him to give his lands to her and not to his family. Also all she ever does is asks for money. Her family is greedy but he wont listen. The kids are so lonely and on the verge of doing something wrong?
Q: My husband gave me written talaaq, wrote it three times and signed it. Witnesses signed it the next day. Is it valid or not?
Q: Should we change our Abaaya when we tie ihram for Umrah and Should we wash our Abaya After Umrah as we wash our ihram or we can use it without washing.
Q: I would like to know if the product arome vanille from Vahine brand (french brand) is halal or not.
Q: I want to query about talaaq. Please tell me that a written talaq is declared if written 3 times on paper at once? I mean is it considered as 1 or 3 if written at same time but written talaq talaq talaq at once? Please elaborate.