End of Zuhr time

Q: What time does Zohar Salaah become Qadha. Does Zohar end at the time Asr starts? I see that the Shafi time for Asr is 15:15 and for Hanafi it is 16:03. I do understand the the shadow of an object needs to be twice the original size plus the bit that was there at midday. I am asking in regards to the times for the Salaah. This is the time in Durban.

Husband refusing to have a child

Q: I am 33 years old and have been married for 11 years, no children. My husband refuses to start a family with me saying, I can't force him to have a baby. Im afraid I'm getting too old. The longer we wait and the older I get, the more I resent him. He is distant and selfish, and lacks compassion and understanding. We have intercourse once every few months and he insists on using protection.

Husband taking back jewellery that was given to the wife

Q: I wanted to ask that my husband divorced me after my mother in law passed. I have a baby girl in this marriage. My sister in law and my husband took away whatever jewellery my mother in law gave me at my wedding. I have a two and a half year old baby girl. Please tell me if it is right in Islam to give something and take it back because at the time my mother in law gave me the jewellery she said it's yours. The jewellery was with me in my cupboard since the day I got married and when I went to take my belongings from my husbands house, they asked me to give me whatever gold jewellery my mother in law gave me because my husband said that if I don't give the gold jewellery, he will not give me a single rupee for my baby's expenses.

Suitable pajamas for females

Q: Please advise: Is it permissible for woman to wear pajamas that feature:

1. Textual inscriptions

2. Non-animate images (hearts, flowers, leaves, stars, etc.)

3. Bright, feminine colours (bright pink, bright yellow, etc.)

These pajamas are long, have sleeves, and not revealing around the breast area.

Abusing one's mother

Q: If a woman brings her ill mother to her home as there is no one to look after her, but her husband is not pleased with that and mentally tortures her and gives her a very tough time. That woman gets angry on her mother and beats her. But later she realised and said sorry and felt very guilty. Is there any kuffara for that and if she really is guilty will Allah Ta'ala forgive her as she always asks forgiveness for her act and she is guilty by heart.