Tableegh Jamaat

Q: Does the verse "you are the best nation raised for mankind..." refer to going out for 3 days and 40 days etc. Why does the tabligh jamaat use this verse and give it a meaning that Allah Ta'ala did not intend?

Calling a Muslim by their non-Muslim name

Q: I am a converted Muslim after marriage and I really feel good that I have become a Muslim. I have also changed my name after marriage. My previous name was Nancy Nicholas and my Muslim name is Aaliyah Ali but my parents and sisters are still Christian, and they call me Nancy only. My husband doesn't like it and I cannot tell them not to call me Nancy because they will feel bad as I married so early when I was 18 and they wanted me study and do something for them. So I want to ask you:

1. My husband says, if they will call you by your previous name, you will be in gunah or crime and Allah doesn't like it.

2. Also I want to ask whether it is really important to change the name after marriage if you have a non Muslim name?

3. I heard that on the day of Qayamat everyone will be called by there names so which name I be called Nancy or Aaliyah?

Court marriage

Q: Im not very well learned, I just know basics. I would like to know if it is permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a christian man first in court then a while after the man will embrace Islam then get married via shariah? I would appreciate if you can explain in depth if possible so that I can relay your message to the parties involved the proper way.

Unable to trace who a payment was received from

Q: I work in the accounts dept of a company. We receive payments into our bank account from customers. Sometimes we receive payments but we cant trace who the money came from. After a few months if no one has come forward to claim the money we give it away in charity. My question is, can I give the money to a fellow employee of the same company who has some loans that they are unable to settle?

Is the answer the same if the employee is owing the loan to the company itself?

Cure for depression

Q: I have a problem regarding my health. I'm seriouly feeling I cannot concentrate on anything. There is something wrong in my heart. I'm just crying all the time. Please pray for me and the solution to my problem of feeling depressed. Everyone is telling me that everything is ok. I find myself stuck to one place. I get lot shiverings and joint pains, doctors are telling me that everything is ok. I don't find any solution to my problem.