Marital problems

Q: My husband has abandoned me in sleeping with him. He doesn't eat what I cook for him. Talks without looking at me. He is still in a state where he hasn't decided to separate with me or live with me and our kids. What time is this allowed? He doesn't give me a reason for doing this. I am in depression wanting him to be normal. He doesn't give me a time frame for when he will decide. I read online that men can decide not to sleep with wife if she is arrogant. It should not exceed upto one month. Otherwise what should I do if it does.

Stray thoughts and feelings

Q: I have a question regarding my friend. I don't know if it's my wahem, or it really does happen with me. Whenever I imagine my self in any situation or I think that I probably have some disease, my friend gets diagnosed with the same disease after some time and he also gets into the situation, I imagine my self in. I don't what should I do. I can not stop thinking about myself, but i'm also worried about him. Please help me.

Taking leave from work

Q: Our office says that we have 22 paid leaves in a year, and we can utilize them in any case of emergency. But if there are no emergencies then you cannot take a leave, and after a year if there are some leaves left they will be wasted, because we didnt utilized them.

At the end of the year if we did not fall sick or needed any emergency then our leaves are wasted. My problem is that I spend 9 hours in the office and remaining few hours in home, do the normal stuff like prayer, eating, house things, so I have very less time for Quran studies and Arabic studies. I have started it but the progress is slow and I want to do more but time is not there.

So now I cant take leave saying that I want to learn Quran or Arabic, I will have to fall sick or any emergency, or else it will be a lie, but I know each minute is important, I want to use this time in a good way, Allah is my top priority not the job, so how can I use those 22 leaves for a better purpose, compared to doing stuff at office.

Can I lie to my boss that I am sick and then I study and learn Islam all day, is that right?

Consuming soda drinks

Q: I just found out that most sodas contain some alcohol. The company for Canada Dry said "the amounts are very slight, but still present." Now these sodas with the same brand are being sold in Muslim countries so I'm assuming 0.0071% alcohol (the amount in a Fanta orange soda) in a drink is permissible. But just to be sure, is it really halal or is that a matter of debate?

Promising to donate money from one's salary

Q: I would like to ask regarding the following matter:

I promised Allah to donate a specific amount from my first salary. I am doing an internship and I am a student. Now I am deciding to give that amount in Bakra Eid to buy a cow. Is it okay? Because my family might also eat some meat from that cow but almost 85% is distributed to the needy. My intentions were to give that money to some specific individuals who cam benefit from that money. But now I am thinking to contribute my amount to buy a cow in Bakra Eid. Can you please suggest what should I do?

Facing the palms towards the qiblah when commencing salaah


1. When starting salah, do your hands have to be facing qiblah?

2. Will salah be valid if you start salah with your hands facing inward towards your head? One time my imam for salatul jumuah started salah and I think his hands were facing inward. What should I do in such a situation if my jumuah is invalid and I am going to have to wait for second jumuah or go catch jumuah at another masjid?

What should the imaam and muqtadi say when coming up from ruku?


1. Do you have to read samiallahu liman hamidah whilst getting up from rukoo or can you say it after you stand up?

2. Will the salah be invalid or makruh if one says it after getting up?

3. When praying salah in jamat, when the imam says samiallahu liman hamidah does the muqtadi have to say it too or can he just say rabbana lakal hamd?

4. Likewise, does the imam have to say rabbana lakal hamd or does he just say samiallahu liman hamidah and stays quiet after that?