Marital problems

Q: Im a 40 year old male, married to the same woman now twice, 3 kids. Nothing has changed since our first marriage and I dont seem like anything will. My wife is unaffectionate, loving, no motherly time, no husband time, only about her business and her issues in her life. Im tired, everyday I wonder should I leave, if I do I will die without my kids. I cannot even think of waking up and not having them there. Life must have a solution, speaking to her does not change anything. Every day that goes by Im slowly dieing inside. What do I do?

Looking in the Quraan while performing salaah


1. Is it permissible to hold the Quran in one's hand in Salah for reading so that one can read unknown surahs after sure fateha.

2. Is it permissible to read the whole tarawih prayers (alone) and in other prayers.

3. If not, could you please tell me why we should not do it.

4. Why do people in the haram hold the Quran in their hand and read or read from the phone in their salah.