Obtaining a pharmacy license through speaking lies

Q: I am working as a pharmacist in Abudhabi UAE. To work as a pharmacist we have to pass UAE exam. Either HAAD for Abudhabi or DHA for dubai or MOH for sharjah. To write the exam we have to provide 2 year pharmacy experience certificate from any country. Most of the people they will make a fake pharmacy experience certificate and write the exam. We have to prepare a lot for the exam. Once we pass the exam, we have to search job in uae. Once we get a job we will get the pharmacy license to work in uae. My question is in India I worked as med representative and I applied for uae exam. They told they need pharmacy experience only. I got experience letter from my friend pharmacy and wrote the exam and passed the exam. It is online. but I didnt work in pharmacy. After passing I got the job in hospital. In interview I told them I work in pharmacy in India. Now I have a HAAD license and I am working in big hospital in Abu Dhabi. My question is my earning will be haraam or what kind of job I should do. Or with the current 2 year of Abu Dhabi experience can I write dubai or sharjah exam. To write any exam we have to provide 2 year minimum pharmacy experience. To practice in uae. I don't want to work as med representative because we have to lie a lot.

Marital problems

Q: Nowadays I am quite worried. Please tell me what steps should I take to make my life normal.

I live in pakistan, where when you get married, people think that now you are their servant. I have graduated in software engineering but my husband dont allow me to work. I understand he is my husband and he can give me orders. But my problem is that his parents also think that they are my responsibility. His mother's attitude is not good with me from the time I got married. His mother says that there is nothing appreciatable or good in me, I am ugly and dont do any thing good. Although my relatives say thay I am good looking. I am telling you this so that you can understand that she hurts me and insults me and expects that I have to serve her. Last time my mother in law said that if I cannot do what she says then I have to stay in my parents home just because I made bread dough with my own recipe not like what she said. Along with other household chores she wants me to even iron her and her husband cloths. Although I have the responsibility of my husband and a daughter. My main issue is their behaviour and their insults. Now I am at my parents home and I refuse to go back to my in laws home. I have asked my husband that I will only go back if he will take me and his mother to some mufti so that the mufti could tell that his parents that they are not my responsibility. Maybe in this way their attitude will change. But my husband refused so now I'm in my parents home. Do you think what I have done is right? Please tell me what I should do? Because I have lost all my self respect for my husband and in laws . Still they are not happy. They have made me hate myself. Please tell me if my husband can force me to serve his parents?

Asking for khula

Q: My husband and me live in the same house which is my parents house and my husbands in laws house. My father kept his account card with his permission to save alot of money. People were jelous of our relationship as husband and wife. We had alot of arguments. Later he started to threaten me to leave me and he also use to mention talaq though it wasnt given. One day he left us and went back to his parents house undercover. After two weeks he decides to come back showing fake guiltiness so I didnt let him in the house. After a month he decided to go back to his parents as I never took him back. He is there and has spent almost all the money we saved for him he cant provide for his wife telling her this is my money, I work, dont touch my card. He threatens me of giving talaq and so forth. I feel I cannot fulfill the religious obligations. Would it be correct for me to ask for khula?

Anal fistula

Q: I have a question that if one has an anal fistula (medical condition in which there is a connection between the lower part of the intestine and the skin) and there is a discharge from it which may be mucus, serous, pus or stool at times. It may be small in quantity and one may not even notice it.

1. Would the discharge break the wudhu and nullify the prayer

2. Sometimes I may not even know about the discharge, does one have to check before and after praying each time?

3. Sometime I need to do imamat, in that situation after salat should I ask the congregation to wait and check the discharge? It seems to prevent me from offering salat in congregation and constant fear of losing wudhu.

Wearing jewellery with stones

Q: I have a question regarding using/wearing stones in jewellery. I know that stones like kyanite and lapis lazuli are often used by people because they believe that they have certain metaphysical properties. I've recently come into quite a few stones (quartz crystal, malachite, kyanite, etc.) that have been passed from person to person, but the original purchaser bought them because of the metaphysical properties that they believed them to have. I simply think that they're beautiful rocks and creations of Allah Ta'ala and have no intentions of relying on them for anything. Is it permissible for me to wear them as jewellery? Would that be a form of shirk? Diamonds and sapphires are believed to have certain properties as well; should we just avoid all stones?

Signing talaaq papers

Q: When I married second time, my first wife demanded a divorce even after having three children. I didn't agree to divorce her but due to some circumtances her father hired a lawyer and got affidavit and stamp for divorce and demanded me to sign over the stamp. I had to sign on the papers. They left all three children with me. Since then, 8 monts have been passed and my ex wife wants to remarry me for the sake of our lovely children. I never said talaq three times to her but when I was signing the papers there was a thing in my mind that my divorce is happening. Is my ex wife halal for me? If not,0 what is the shariya law to remarry her?