Making extra profit from orders

Q: I'd like to buy and sell items which will be imported. I won't be importing bulk but rather will advertise an item and buy it once I have an order for that particular item. I will be charged about R285 to import. So if I buy an item that costs e.g. R300 my total will be R300+R285=R585. And i'll add a profit to it. e.g.R50 which will make the item R635. I'd like to know if this is permissible Islamically? And if I have 2 orders, each will pay R635 but since the order will go in at the same time I'll end up with more than R50 profit.

Landlord holding back deposit

Q: I have recently moved out from a house and I'm having some problems with regards to receiving my deposit which I innitialy gave when I moved in. The situation is as follows: 14 days before the month could end I made my intention known to the landlord that I am looking to move out and 8 days before the month could end I confirmed that I'll be moving out, however the landlord says that I gave a too short notice and she can't return the deposit and I did not give much time for her to get another tenant and I did not give 1 months notice (keeping in mind that we have not renewed a lease). She will now only give me the deposit when she gets a new tenant. Please advice regarding the shar'ee point of view in this situation.

Reading wazifahs for cure

Q: I have some health problems like skin infection and a hump on my back which is not responding to medicines well. I doubt it is nazar. On someone's advice I took a bucket of water out of the bathroom and then put my hands upto my elbows in it and read 7 times durood, 7 times surah fatiha, 7 times aayatul kursi, 7 times Quls and 7 times durood. I did not blow on the water, I just took the bucket in bathroom and poured that water on my head. I did it twice and found alot of improvement. Can I do this?

One sided bet

Q: Me and my friend were discussing about marks of a certain exam and my friend said "I won't get more than 20 marks". I said to him "You will get more than 20 marks". He said to me "If I get more than 20 marks I will give you a treat". When results came out he scored more than 20 marks. Is it permissible for me to take a treat from my friend. Is it counted as betting/gambling?

Being concerned about the Deen of a female family member

Q: If a Muslim woman,who is married and having kids, does not offer namaaz and never do other mandatory practices and she doesn't have basic knowledge of Islam, although she is an educated woman and she never shows her interest in Islamic knowledge. So what is the way to let her on the right path. Who will be in charge to let her back to right path or who's responsible?