Women cutting their hair
Q: If one's hair goes very thin towards the end then when doing qasr where do they cut from and how much?
Also, can one cut it themselves?
Q: If one's hair goes very thin towards the end then when doing qasr where do they cut from and how much?
Also, can one cut it themselves?
Q: I would like to know is it haraam for a wife to ask for divorce when her husband is abusing her and if he don't give her talaaq she separates from him for 3 months to see if the marriage works. I am confused.
Q: What is shirk?
Q: Is this authentic, please give reference?
One day Rasulullah ﷺ asked Jibreal عليه السلام, "Have you ever travelled at full speed?" Jibreal عليه السلام said, "Yes, on four occasions." Rasulullah ﷺ asked, "What were the four occasions?" Jibreal عليه السلام said, "First time was when Ibrāheem عليه السلام was placed in Nimrud's fire. At the time I was near the Arsh-Throne. Allāh ordered me to cool the fire. I left the Arsh and descended seven heavens in time.
Second time was when Ibrāheem عليه السلام was about to sacrifice his son Ishmael عليه السلام in Mina. Allāh ordered me to replace his son with a lamb, before Ibrāheem عليه السلام struck with his knife.
Third time was when, the brothers of Yusuf عليه السلام threw him into the well. Allāh ordered me to save Yusuf عليه السلام, I rushed and placed my wing underneath Yusuf عليه السلام before he reached the bottom of the well.
And the final time was when you, Ya Rasulallah ﷺ, injured your tooth at the battle of Uhud. Allāh Ta'ala ordered me to stop your blood reaching the ground, otherwise no plant or tree would grow, till the end of the world. Hearing this, I rushed and saved your blood with my wings."
1. When a man inserts his tip of penis in other man's anus, both should have fard ghusl right?
2. Is the ghusl fard even if when both had worn clothes? E.g. If one had worn pants and the other had also worn pants but the penis went inside the anus along with both pants. Is ghusl still fard?
3. Is the fard ghusl same as ghusl janabah?
Q: If a person is married and they engage in oral sex and the fluid goes in either of the spouses mouth and they swallow it does this have the same ruling like eating something haram?
Q: Is a lash lift allowed? Its like doing the permanent hair straightening, but on your eyelashes.
Q: My father is head of security of the place where we live. Its his duty to impound those bikes or cars which is driven by underage drivers or if a driver is not wearing a helmet. One day my father saw a boy driving a bike. He was underage and was not wearing a helmet. My father hooted to stop him but he increased the speed of his bike. My father did the same and he further increase the speed. The boy stopped his bike and hid himself and bike in his house. My father stopped his car near his house and asked his friend to tell him the name of biker. My father was angry at that time and he kept asking the boy for the name of the boy. He said he doesnt know, then he started swearing my father. Everytime my father asked his name, he kept on lying. So then my father said that if you wont tell me I will take you to jail. He kept on making excuses and kept on lying. Due to my fathers anger, he held the boy from the collar and slapped him on his face, even after all this he didn't tell my father. My father called a policeman and when the policeman asked the boy, the boy told him. What my father did, was it right or wrong? If it was wrong, what is its kaffara without telling or asking the boy whom my father slapped.
Q: Can a woman replace her father's name with her husband's name after marriage? Some friends sent me a post which says that it is strictly forbidden in Islam to add my husband's name with my name instead of my father. They have reasoned that if it was permissible, then the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's) wives would have done the same, which they did not. Please could you quote some Hadith for this.
Q: If someone touched his mother with lust when he was 10-12 years old and he is not sure about his feelings what will he do now? How could he ask forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala? What is the procedure for his Tauba? Does he have to confess. He is really upset and all time he is thinking about it and is very disturbed and in deep depression. Please guide.