Is watching a movie shirk?
Q: Is watching a movie shirk?
Q: Is watching a movie shirk?
Q: What does it mean that Allah will protect the Quraan? Does it mean that there will not be any mistakes in zabar, zer, pesh or tashdid also? Because I have seen in one ayah the tashdid is missing, so this can't be the explanation.
Q: I was reading in tafsir that, imaan and amal is the sample of Allah's mercy, but it's not the reason. What does it mean?
Q: How do I know if I have forgiven someone? I had slept forgiving someone but after waking up, I again felt bad about that person, though I didn't have any bad feeling or hatred that night.
Q: Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) saw some people's punishment in jahannam, was he allowed to see the future?
Q: Why is it said that people's punishment in jahannam stopped during Ramadhaan? Isn't the punishment will be held on till qiyamah?
Q: Charo Imam saheeh hai to kya charo ko mila kar follow karna kaisa hai? Kya maslak ko badla ja skta hai ek se jyada bar?
Q: What are the conditions for divorcing the wife? What if the husband accidentally tells his wife to live on her own from tomorrow?
Q: My brother in laws daughter was married for the last 2 years. Her husband started ill treating her, demanding money from her parents and beating her. He also drinks and misbehaves. We tried to conceal him and send our daughter back twice. They started living separate for more than one year but again he started the same thing. Now his brother and parents are also involved in torturing her. We went to a local mufti saheb and asked for a fasak nikah. They have a saharia council. They tried calling the boy for reconcilation and they even sent the letters. They called him on the phone but he never attended and avoided to meet with them. After three attempts of sending letters, they called the girl and questioned her for the reason for asking for the divorce/fasak, and they pronounced their view and decided to issue the fasak nikah. The question is, other muftis are saying that this is not valid, because they do not accept these people as muftis. They are telling/forcing us to go to their known muftis for this purpose. If every mufti goes on telling that he does not recognise the other mufti then how can a normal Muslim live with this type of Islamic leaders. Please issue a fatwa for what is right or wrong.
Q: Can you read Dua-e-Isme Ilaahi. Is it allowed to ask for help from Allah?