Divorcee indulging in masturbation
Q: I am a 26 years old divorcee. From the last 1 year I have been indulging in masturbation. I repent too but unable to quit this habit. Please do give some suggestions.
Q: I am a 26 years old divorcee. From the last 1 year I have been indulging in masturbation. I repent too but unable to quit this habit. Please do give some suggestions.
Q: I have heard that RasoolAllah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned in a Hadith that two sects i.e. the Murjiyah and the Qadariyah do not have any share in Islam due to their corrupt beliefs. The Murjiyah sect believe that a person has no control or say over his or her actions and whatever happens it is due to the Will of Allah Ta'ala and the Qadariyah sect does not believe in Taqdeer and denies it. Please clarify.
Q: Can the eyes be closed for concentration during salaam?
Q: I have purchased tomato sauce for resale; however, the tomato sauce is past the manufacturer’s best before date. I am in the food industry for the past 20 years and I know that the tomato sauce will not go bad by the date reflected by the manufacturer. In fact, the item is still good for another one year after the best before date. I wish to get the item tested by an independent food technologist and then adjust the date on the packaging to the date the independent food technologist recommends. Will it be permissible for me to adjust the date or will this fall under deception?
1. If someone had unlawful relations more than one time with his married paternal aunts (father's sisters) and married maternal aunt (mother's sister), not the actual zina, but perhaps hurmat is established. What is the status of his aunts' marriages?
2. Also how to repent for these actions?
Q: What is the meaning and origin of ‘Aathif’ and how to spell it and in which verse of the Quran is ‘aathif’ mentioned? If we pronounce it simply as aathif without tajweed will the meaning differ?
Q: Is it permissible for a person to shave his own head to come out of Ihram for Haj? Please provide a reference as I am a student.
Q: If a father left his wife and kids out of the country for two years without any financial support and after 2 years suddenly come back, what will they do with him? Should they join again or stay far away from him? The wife is seriously fed up with her husband because he had done this 5 times before and bothered his family by not financially supporting themafter leaving. His family faced very very difficult situations.
Q: According to the Hanafi Math-hab I'd like to know the correct way of washing the hands upto the wrists. I teach in a maktab madrassah and we used to teach them to first wash the right hand including the wrist three times and then to wash the left hand including the wrist three times but we were told that that is incorrect and it has to be as follows:
To wash both hands including the wrists three times and the action has to be done in such a way that you would alternate e.g you would first wash the right hand then the left hand and then the right hand, so the right hand would end up getting washed twice and the left once.
Can you please advise on how it should be taught to the kids.
Q: If it is merely suspected that a tenant buys and sells stolen goods, is it incumbent on the landlord to terminate that tenant’s tenancy?