How should a wife deal with her husband who watches porn?

Q: I have seen many women complain on social platforms that their husbands watch porn and I've seen people comment that they should divorce or try and help them with it. What exactly would be the Islamic way of dealing with it? Should she advise him against it, then if he carries on, leave him to go to her parents house for a while and inform him that she would be willing to fulfill his rights at any part of the day in any way permissible in Islam as long as it does not break the rules of Islam and then if he agrees and asks her to come back home should she go back and only divorce if he repeatedly does it again?

Sunnat Salaah before zuhr

Q: I would like to ask concerning about the 4 raka'at sunnah before zuhr. I heard someone say that there should only be one salaam in the entire 4 raka'at. Then someone told me that there should be 2 salaams, now I'm confused. Which one is correct? or it depends on which madhhab I follow? Please elaborate.

Husband jokingly telling his wife talaaq

Q: One of my cousins wants to ask you that when she was watching a comedy drama on tv with her husband, in the drama one men said to his wife, talaq talaq talaq talaq. Many times my cousin's husband used to repeat the words from the tv drama while they were watching. When he heard the word talaaq, he turned to his wife and launghed then he said to her talaq talaq talaq. He said that he had no intention of divorce, does divorce take place?

Doubts about divorce

Q: I have so many issues in my life and thats why I am messaging you again and again. This is my lifes biggest problem, please give me a reply and ease my mind with the will of Allah Pak. I have waswasa in my mind. Actually me and my husband dont know that "go to hell", "leave home" also counts as a divorce. I always used to say give me a divorce whenever we fight, may Allah pak forgive me, so when I say give me divorce he always says "go to hell", "go" etc. After that when I got to know that these words also count as talaq e bain if a man's intention was divorcing his wife then I asked my husband he said Allah know my intention was never for divorce, I just said go to hell in anger nothing else, but after that I am thinking 24 hours that he is not my husband anymore. My life becomes hell because of these waswasas, what should I do? Once I said leave me and he said just to make me realize, 'I give you Tan' he did not used the word talaq or divorce he just said 'tan' then he said how could you ask for divorce even you know it is so bad. Please tell me what can I do? 


Q: Me and my husband were living in U.K. I got divorced from him because of continuous arguments through the court of Pakistan. The court sent him a letter to inform him about the case and he received it but didn't hire any solicitor there. I got divorced from him after a few months but he never signed any letter neither said that he is giving me divorce. After two weeks of getting the divorce I got married with another person and I had nikah with him only for a month and I got divorced from him as well. Now I'm back in U.K and my first husband is claiming that I'm still his wife because he never divorced me and I asked through court but with false allegations that's why my second nikah and divorce doesn't count but actually considered as zina. Please clarify this issue I'm so confused.