Memorising the Qur'an during haidh

Q: Is it allowed for a menstruating woman who is memorizing Quran (doing Hifz):

1. to memorize from Quran

2. Memorize from Mobile or laptop without touching the script

3. To attend Quran lesson with teacher (both listening Quran from others and reciting herself)

4. To recite from her memory

If No, is there any way she can explain to her teacher as she follow some other school of thought (fiqh) and says it is okay to attend classes during this time of month? And is it haram (or Sin) for a student if she follows her teacher in this case if her teacher is wrong?

Investing in shares on the stockmarket

Q: I have been investing in shares for the past two years and I have earned a good amount of profit so far. When investing, I avoid buying shares in companies such as banks, insurance companies, companies manufacturing and selling liquor, etc. I only invest in companies of which the main business is halaal. However, when I look at the financial statements of the companies, I find that these companies do have interest dealings and some other haraam elements in their operation. Will it be permissible for me to invest in these companies? Also, will the profits earned through the investment be halaal?