Listening to music
Q: Is listening to plain music haram?
Q: Is listening to plain music haram?
Q: I have recently found out that my husband masturbates when he thinks I'm asleep. I know it is not allowed in Islam. What should I do? Should I ask him directly or just pray for him or ask my parents for help?
Q: When a woman is in her haidh, she is not supposed to go near a deceased person. However, what if someone's husband passed away and he passed away at such a place where there is no male to do his ghusl. His mahram women are with him (his mother and sister). His wife is also present there, however she is on her haidh. Who will get the preference of doing his ghusl? Should the mother do the ghusl or shall the wife do the ghusl?
Q: If a person wants to convert from Shia to Sunni just to marry a girl, what should he do and what should he not do?
Q: If I read the janazah of Shia then will I go out of the fold of Islam?
Q: In India we have to pay house tax every year, so can we pay this tax using interest (riba) money?
Q: I have met a Christian friend over Facebook 3 years ago and we are now close friends, even best friends. I have tried to convince him to become a Muslim but no results. I am a girl and Muslim and my friend is a boy and Christian. Isn't this haram?
Q: While in sujood, can I make dua in my own language? For example, I ask Allah's help for my work, or ask for betterment for my family's health or ask for jannah? If yes then in nafl sujood only or even fard/sunnah?
Q: If oil is applied to the hair and a person does not use shampoo to remove the oil but only pours water over the head. Will the ghusl be valid?
Q: Can we use an open wifi network of a unknown neighbour?