Setting up a Waqf Trust

Q: Kindly advise me on the following as well as how I should go about setting up a trust.

1. I have a few properties which I wish to make waqf and wish to have full control of. I wish to distribute funds (rental) to charitable institutions, but if need be, so then I should be able to utilize the funds for myself (for instance, I must be able to use the funds for myself in certain months and for distribution in certain months certain months). On my demise, the trustees should take full control and use it fully for charity.

2. Will I be able to sell the property should I feel the need? For example, if property A is not performing well, could I dispose of it and use the funds to purchase property B? In this case, will property B automatically become waqf or will it be necessary for me to start the process all over again?

3. In the event of my demise, what control will the trustees have? Will they be able to sell and buy more properties in the benefit of the waqf?

4. Is it necessary to give the waqf a name because I like to remain anonymous? If it is necessary to give the trust a name, I request that would you kindly suggest a name for me?


Doubts on Imaan

Q: I am just worried and getting anxiety worrying and thinking if:

1. If my nikah is valid with my husband. Alhumdulillah we are so happy but the thought comes that, did your husband ever said divorce? I never heard him say it.

2. If hurmate musaahara took place anytime? If my dad's nikah is valid? I'm just worring and thinking that suppose hurmate musaahara took place. Supposed my dad's nikah is not valid. Suppose my nikah is not valid. I'm so happy masha allah with my husband but these thoughts come.

3. I am not sure if sure hurmate musaahara took place. I am getting these thoughts that supposed it was lust when I shook my sisters hand or my husband's. Those thoughts don't come only when my father touched or shakes my hand or touch me.

4. Now in my mind I think that hurmate musaahara happened when some feeling comes in your vagina or that liquid comes out when you are ready for sex. So when my dad shakes my hand I think that if something is happening in my vagina, even before my father shakes my hand, I am scared.

5. Now I'm also worried and I'm getting thoughts about my Imaan. I listen to bayaans and I keep reading the kalimah. I say I am a Muslim. I am not feeling in my heart who I was before. Is it kufr to say so? Is my nikah valid? Thoughts of hadith, Islam, Quraan and Allah comes in my mind. I know Islam is a true religion but I'm not feeling the sukoon that I get thoughts on religion. When I listen to a bayan and listen to stories of sahaba and about our prophet and what he went through for us, I feel it in my heart and I don't have the feeling in my heart. I keep reading the Kalimah and i get thoughta that am I a Muslim? I say to myself yes I am a muslim. Please help me and make dua for me. Allah keep me steadfast on deen n make me die with Imaan.

Nikaah in the presence of two witnesses

Q: My nikaah was performed in the presence of two witnesses. None of them were my wali. And there was no maulana. The man who performed our nikaah was NOT a maulana. There was no legal paperwork done. We did not sign any paper at all. It was only verbal. Mahr was set at a decided amount. He read the khutba and ayat of nikaah from a book of duas and asked both of us three times, taking our names with our parents names and the witnesses names with their parents names if we accept each other in nikaah. We agreed all three times. Is the nikaah valid?

Nikaah without the approval of the court

Q: I want to ask about nikah. I live in Dubai and my fiancée came from UK with her father to get married to me. Before marriage, a medical test is mandatory here. We did the medical test and the doctor told us that we both carriers of thalisemia, so the court rejected our medical report and refused to get us married. We got married out of court with two witnesses and the girl's father. We both love each other and we got married. Now we planning to go to Pakistan to register our nikah there so we can have a legal marriage. Please guide us if this is permissible.

Online job for classifying images and products

Q: An online job involves classifying various images into appropriate product categories. One is presented an image and has to select the appropriate category. For example, an image of an iPhone is shown and one has to select the 'Electronics - Mobile Phones' category. Images for haraam items to classify also appear, such as TVs, video game consoles, alcohol, musical instruments, etc. Furthermore, animate images do often appear with the product for classification; one has to look at the animate image in order to classify the product. For example, the image of an attractive woman wearing a gold necklace (where the necklace must be classified). Or classifying a Milo tin that has an animate image on the packaging. One is paid a predetermined amount for each image classified. Please advise:

1. Is this classification of animate images permissible?

2. Is this classification of haraam products permissible?

3. Is any income haraam and Waajibut Tasadduq?