Husband taking the wife back after one talaaq

Q: My husband gave me 1 talak (no talak given earlier). I am staying at my parents home since 5 months.

1. Can I perform iddat period in my parents home after being given 1 talaq given by husband?

2. During iddat period, if the husband comes for rujju and I dont want to go back again, can I reject the rujju offer from my husband?

3. Can I do 2nd marriage after the iddat period?

4. Is the iddat period compulsory after 1 talak?

Doubts regarding the Qur'an

Q: I have often heard: "Perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you and hate a thing and it is good for you..."

I am very confused about this. Say, if we used the example of a person that we love and ask Allah for but do not get to be with them because they are bad for us. If we end up with who is good for us will we still not love them as much as we loved the initial person? Will we have to convince ourselves to like them by telling ourselves that this is good for us for reasons we don't know? Being human, won't there be the initial disappointment of not getting who we wanted? They say in time you will come to see in what ways they were better for you but won't you be miserable up until that time by being with someone you didn't love as much?

I've also heard that you get from Allah what you expect from him but then at the same time they say that you should not set your heart on anything or you could be disappointed and that you should acknowledge a possibility of not getting it .

They say that dua can change taqdeer but only if what you make dua for is good for you, but what if your dua is that it should be good for you?

Wife wishing to serve her parents

Q: My question is that my son is married and is living in another town which is half way between us and his in laws. He wants to move back to where we are living but his wife's does not want to move as she feels that she has a duty to live near her parents as she is the oldest and has no brothers. In Islam, should she obey her husband as to where he wants to live and accept it or does she have any other rights? There is no restriction to her as she is free to meet her parents as she wishes.


Q: Is being sarcastic correct according to the Sunnah and Quran? I mean sometimes sarcasm can hurt someone. Please explain in this case. 

Working as an interpreter

Q: I work as an interpreter in hospitals in Delhi. Foreigners come for treatment and the hospitals give me some percent of investigation that patients have done for treatment. I asked several people who have the responsibility for marketing about additional charges when a patient comes through an interpreter. They all answered that the fee is the same when they come directly. Is it halal for me or not, if not please explain halal ways of earning as an interpreter?

Method of conducting ta'leem

Q: We are 4-5 ladies having taleem weekly in a small town. We read from Fazail e amal and sunnah kitaab, questions and answers (those which we cannot answer, we answer the following week). Ladies want us to talk also about akhlaaq, death, etc. Kindly recommend kitaabs we can use and also provide correct format of having taleem and any other things we can discuss. Also duaa to be recited at ending of taleem.