Father ill-treating mother

Q: I'm female and married. Right now I'm passing through difficult times and this is between my parents. My father is not speaking to my mother and this happens every six months on such small things. I have 2 younger sisters. We never interrupted between them fearing that they might get separated.  He is not staying with them and threatening my mother that he can marry any women if he can.

Going for umrah before performing Hajj

Q: If I really save my money I can probably go for hajj within 5 years in shaa Allah, but what if I can't wait that long as I'm really longing to go to Makkah. Can I just go for umrah? I went there a month ago and I am still craving to go there and I can't wait for 5 years to go there? I intend going within the next year or next 2 years, but my parents say that it is a waste to go for another umrah, it is better to go for hajj, but 5 years, my heart cannot wait that long.

Seeking halaal earnings

Q: I live in India and I want to know if I can work in MNC company. These companies had taken loans and so these companies are in loan, so its forbidden to work in there. Companies like Tata, Vodaphone, Samsung, Nokia and many more also do the same. My family wants me to work in these companies but almost every company had taken loan or given a loan and there is no Islamic company that follows proper Islamic law. Females also work in these companies. Please advise.

Mother stealing

Q: I work for a Medical company and I make a good living, Alhamdulillah. I never wanted to discuss this with anybody but I have to. My mom has a really bad habit of stealing stuff from stores like grocery stores and marts. This makes me soo disgusted and embarassed. Whenever I take her to any store, she steals stuff. I make almost 7 to 8K Dollars a month which is suffient to live but she keeps stealing. I tried to tell her nicley not to do this as it is a big sin but she shouted and said not to misbehave with her. Please let me know the best way to let her know about this gunah. 

Zakaat on free grazing animals

Q: If a person has animals that are grazing on his land without him feeding them himself, will they be zakatable even though they only graze on his privately owned land (which is fenced off)? The animals are only for breeding or milking. The animals referred to are cows. I know that there is zakat if they are freely grazing but I am unsure if they are counted as freely grazing if they are doing so on privately owned and fenced off land? If possible, could you please provide a reference to the answer?