Doubts regarding Imaan

Q: Allah has bleesed us with Imaan Alhumdulillah. Now as I was getting thoughts on kufr and Alhumdulillah they are gone because I ignore them. Now I have a serious matter that I want you to help me. I am a Muslim I have follow hanafi mazhab. Now i am trying to become better muslim. I try to read quraan everyday read five times namaz do nafl ibaadat stay away from sin have haya n modesty dress modestly Alhumdulillah i do hijab as well. I do zikr Alhumdulillah everything was going will i feel this peace n i talk to Allah because i know hes watching me i listen to bayaan n recording hadith n sabaq that moulana yunus palanpuri give. I try to do amal. I go taleem i do six points masha allah i like to go mastuaraa jamat. Now all of a sudden last week this is thought come in my head about Allah the exitence of Allah. And then thought about hadith All the hadith that how did the hadith reach us if the hadith is true how the hadith from the prophet sallallhu alaihi wasallam reach us if the narrator r true if the hadith in fazalee amaal sadqa is true. Then something tells me how u no is true. How u no the prophet sallallhu alaihi wasalaam said this. I am feeling empty idnt have that feeling with in my heart tgat sukoon I read namaz i read quraan. I keep reading quraan i read kalimah But the khushu sukoon i am not feeling i reading namaz cuz i no we have to the connection with Allah is feeling different i know that everything is from Allah i am saying with my tounge but i want in to be in my heart. Plz help me i dnt want to go on the wrong path i am a muslim i want to die with Imaan. 1.Y i am having all these though about Allah n our rasul sallallhu alaihi wasallam the quraan the hadith about Islam please help me Is Allah naraz with me I want to go jannah I know that people who dont follow Islam n follow other religious r (disbeliver)i am a momin i believe in Allah n his rasul sallallhu alaihi wasallam. I want that to enter ny heart n yaqin in Allah 2.Some thing is telling ur just saying it from tounge. Plz help me. The word i right on braket above something telling me supposed. Say that word sometimes it come but i dnt say with with toungue Plz help me with my Imaan. 3.Is it kufr?? 4 my nikah valid 5.then i think hidayaah is only from Allah only Allah can guide u. I dont want to loose my Imaan thats like burning in fire I am a muslim Even thought all this happened i still read quran namaz zikr read kalimah. Buti feel i just read it from tounge i want to have the love for Allah. The thought of Allah come about Allah how Allah is created astugfirullah How did the world come how all this knowledge come is the knowledge of deen the hadith true What to do plzz help me i want die on Imaan n go jannah love Allah have khushu plz help me plzzz this is so important the most important thing in my whole life n is i am gifted with Imaan. I want to die with Imaan.please help me strength my Imaan yaqin n our Rab is Allah.. Plzz make dua for me Allah protect my Imaan n make me die with Imaan. Plzz help sister in Islam 6 is any of this i write kufr n if o said it to myself cuz i was explaining my self what i will write is it kufr my nikah valid.

Difference between sin and shirk

Q: How to differentiate between sin and shirk (especially major shirk) Example:

1# If a person does many haram acts because of his desire and continues it without fearing Allah then will it be just a sin or it will be considered as he is following his desire? Is it shirk as mentioned in Quran [45:23] “Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil?

2# We know interest is haram. If a person continues to take interest after knowing it haram or does not pay zakat, does it mean that he loves money more than Allah and doing shirk as mentioned in hadith “He who became the slave of the Dinar or the Dirham will perish and be destroyed.” [Hadith Bukhari] So are these just sin or they are shirk or they may lead to shirk even major shirk?

Getting married as soon as a suitable match is found

Q: I know a girl for 7 years. In the last 6 months we started developing feelings for each other and dated a few times but nothing physical. We have decided to stop dating so that it does not damage our future together. We plan on getting married in 3 years time. Is it permissable to read istikaarah salaah now even though we plan on getting married later and what is your advice for this period of time?

Gay feelings

Q: I have gay habits in me and I am seeing a Muslim man. I am in my 30s and not married due to home responsibilities as I am taking care of my mum who has no legs and in a wheelchair. It worries me that I have these feeling in me from an early age. Please advise.

Haraam relationship

Q: Today one incident happened when I go through internet I get to no there is thing like if we do something that Allah doesn't like it's shirk so the thought that came to my mind is my friend who is a girl so I thought talking to her is shirk but I search in the internet in that they have told like it is minor shirk so I keep searching until I clear this doubt and then there were some post like it can be major shirk so to be frank I really don't want to do that if its major shirk but I want to make this doubt go dissapear so I kept searching at last I got to no Thera is no prob but now I feel like I was ready to talk even if it is major shirk but to be frank I don't no wat I thought ... it can be true that I might thought or not but am not sure but I was searching whole time to make That thing normal but now it feels like I commuted shirk and here after talking to her is shirk .... so I don't no wat is true what is right and wrong anymore unlike other issue this feel real because I was very clear than other incident that happened bcz of waswaas so now I can't say it's waswaas or me .. and definitely can't say like I was nt ready so what can I do ... I just want to be safe from shirk so is there is any way I can ask forgiveness and talk to hey normally or should I ask forgiveness nd stop talk to her ... u might be mad to hear this but plz hlp to understand.