Looking around in Salaah

Q: If a person looks around in Salaah, what will be the position of his Salaah, will it be makrooh or will it break? Kindly explain the different situations i.e. if he only turned his face to the right or left during Salaah, or he turned his chest as well, or he only looked from the corner of his eye. Will there be any difference in the ruling of the above situations if there was a need for him to look?

Divorced couple keeping each other informed via sms regarding the needs of their child

Q: Husband has issued one talaaq and wife is observing iddat. What is the ruling regarding informing each other about the child getting sick, needing to be taken to the doctor, etc. as these are matters that will be ongoing for life? Completely understood that they become complete strangers and no communication allowed, is it allowed to send an sms to prove the money was deposited into account, the child needed to go for tests, etc. to keep the parents informed about the child.

Being unable to locate the seller to return the defective item

Q: I've bought an item on eBay and after receiving the item, I requested a refund for the money because it was not as stated. The money was returned and according to eBay policy, the seller is to pay the shipping fee for the return. I've been trying to get in touch with the seller for almost two months now but they have not responded. I would like to know what I am to do with the item I had previously bought?

Using the nisaab of silver when calculating zakaat

Q: How to calculate the nisab of Zakaat in money? Should we take into consideration the nisab of silver or the nisab of gold? For information, in France, the price of one gram of silver was 0.63 euros in that month, and the price of gold was 40.15 euros. If one takes the nisab of silver to caluclate the nisab of goods in money, the amount is small. Would it be permissible to take into consideration the nisab of gold in this case presented? If it's possible, what would be the amount of nisab?

Earning as a consultant

Q: I am a graduate engineer, and the Pakistan Engineering Council (as I am living in Pakistan and) gives all graduates in engineering a Supervisory certificate. This supervisory certificate is basically for the Contractors firm to hire us as it is mandatory for them to hire at least a minimum amount of engineers to get their self recognized with PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council) to be able to work properly here. It is basically a step to save engineers for un-employment. Now whats happening is here is that the contractors firm are now offering engineers to make a contract with them that they will show the PEC that they have hired you but you will not have to come for the job daily and you neither get the pay on a monthly basis, instead you will get a lump sum amount like about 70k or 80k at once and then the contract will be valid for 1 year and the deal is made that you may come to their project site whenever you want. Like basically you sell your contract for one year and show to PEC that you are working with the firm like a normal employee. Now I want to ask that I am working with a firm as a trainee engineer where my pay is just 8k only and I have not got the pay of last month yet, as our company is not good in paying their employees on time. I want to ask that if I make a contract with another company, and sell my supervisory certificate to them and take a lump some amount (Note: my company does not require a supervisory certificate) and I sometimes visit their project site, will it be Haram? As the last date of renewal of the contractor firm is 31st march, after that my supervisory certificate will be of no value. and I have not heard that any 1 engineer is hired by the contractor firm due to of their supervisory certificate. All of them sell the certificate. My friend has sold it, he says that we are not given our rights so we can do that. but I will do it only when , when I am sure that it is not haram. I do photography as a part time so I need some money to upgrade my camera.