Zikr and Durood


1. What's the intention of reciting Allahu Akbar and talbiya? Many times in salah and in other dua's though we do agree the greatness with the heart.

2. What are the wordings of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when reciting darood? Is it same what we use to recite in salah and other daroods? When Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reciting and sending darood and salam on himself, so the wording may change right? Please clarify.

3. What are the wordings that are used by Allah and Angels when sending darood to Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Can we repeat the same when we are sending?

Hajj for a woman without a mahram


1. In India, most of the ladies have a lot of gold with them, will it be fardh on them to do Hajj if their husbands or other mehrams don't have that much of money to go for hajj. In this case what needs to be done by a woman and her mehram?

2. Many people in India invest money in buying lands and buildings apart from living. So what is the ruling for them regarding Hajj. Since the land comes under exceptional category, what is the ruling make hajj obligatory on them?

Tawbah for committing zina

Q: I have a friend who has commited a sin. He had sex with a prostitute. He is very sorry and disappointed for what he has done. I am very tensed to see him that much disappointed. On his behalf, I want to ask if there is any forgiveness for that sin for him? If there is any, what is tha kafara for him?

Punishment for zina

Q: I did zina and prayed for forgiveness from true heart. I don't have inner satisfaction. I live in Pakistan where Islamic punishments are not enforced, how can I get the punishment of 80 lashes other then that can I explain the topic zina to my family? 

Avenues of zakaat


1. Can my wife use her zakat money to send my parents or other relatives to hajj?

2. Can she save her zakat money for two or three years so that it reaches certain amount and could be used for bigger causes?

3. What are the ways in which the zaakat money can be used, like school or university education of a Muslim student?

4. Can it be used to support parents or in laws?