Jihaad in Shaam
Q: Is jihaad in Shaam fardul ayn at the moment or not? If it is not, please state why. I am a darul uloom student, so I would appreciate a detailed response.
Q: Is jihaad in Shaam fardul ayn at the moment or not? If it is not, please state why. I am a darul uloom student, so I would appreciate a detailed response.
Q: I am a single daughter of my parents and they have become very poor and weak. They are not able to earn anymore. I am a graduated girl and I want to work in order to provide for them. In 6 months I would be getting married. My in laws are not allowing me to work. The kind of jobs I get is mixing with opposite sex. The company told me that they'll provide me cab facilities and I would be going alone with the driver and a guard either male or female. My father is suffering from severe illness. Is it haraam for me to work? Or should I ask my relatives for help?
Q: I know non flowing blood is pure but what if it is wet where the wound is and the blood/wetness goes on a towel or elsewhere you've touched? Does it make the towel or elsewhere najis? Or if I'm not sure if it did transfer anywhere then is it still pure?
Q: Is it permissible to save money like any chit funds, for example 40 months scheme for 40 laks but monthly we pay like 60, 70 etc.?
Q: Is it permissible to talk to non-mahram boy/girl via cell phone (voice, text, etc.)?
Q: Is it bad to remain in a laying position while Adhan is going on?
Q: "A" nominated the name of "BC" in immovable property during his life time at the society records, stating that after his death "BC" will be the owner of the immovable property, in the presence of his other legal heirs/family members and the other legal heirs knows the same, thereafter "A" died, whether the nominees "BC" will be the sole co-owners of the said immovable property or other legal heirs of the deceased will have right over the said property, as per Islam, Please answer.
Q: Many people are going binary option nowadays to make money. Is it halaal to trade online through investment in binary options in the stock exchange. It basically is speculation whether or not a commodity will go up or down in the stock exchange. Nowadays the software purchased by yourself will do the speculation for you. Please advise whether this sort of earnings in halaal.
Q: I want to perform umrah but my husband does not have the time. He said that you have to go with your son. My son is 12 years old and he is baligh as per sharia law but he is not 18. I have doubt on it. Kindly tell me if it is possible to perform umrah with my son?
Q: We want to sell our flat and want to buy a house but it is difficult to sell and find a good price. Please guide me about this matter.