Hair dye


1. Can we use hair colour dye and can we offer namaz.

2. What does shariyat say about colour dye and which colours can we use?


Q: The presidential elections will take place in France in May. Is it permissible for the Muslims to participate in the voting or not? Some say that it is not allowed to vote because the people who will be in power will not apply the laws of Allah? What are our dalail for this? And also, is it permissible for a Muslim to take part in the no-Muslim political party?

Mocking someone's beard


1. I have one uncle whose beard has only few hairs. I had made fun of his beard saying that his beard has few strands of thread... I was actually making fun of his beard, not the sunnah... Also I did not know at that time that we should not make fun of beard... Did I do kufr? If yes, what should I do?

2. Some people call him chinese... did they also do kufr?