Meaning of the name Hamdaan
Q: I wanted to ask regarding the name Hamdaan, was this a Sahaabis name? If not, was it the name of anyone who came after the Sahaabah?
Q: I wanted to ask regarding the name Hamdaan, was this a Sahaabis name? If not, was it the name of anyone who came after the Sahaabah?
Q: Can a husband restrict his wife on using the phone? What are the valid reasons? What if the wife bought her own phone?
Q: What are the virtues for one who gives up sin for Allah's pleasure?
1.When can a proposal be rejected in Islam?
2.Is it correct to ask for a prospective spouse who has a sunnah beard and sunnah dressing? I don't like a modern lifestyle because it's not what I am accustomed to nor brought up with.
3. How many times can a prospective couple meet under supervision if they need to discuss aspects of nikaah?
4. After the proposal a bride accepts, within how many days does one have to make nikaah... since it is emphasized in Hadith to hasten for nikkah to take place.
Q: I recently got divorced. I am in my iddah. I know I am not allowed to wear perfumes, make up and jewellery etc. But is it permissible for me to use deodorant?
Q: Please advise regarding security deposits paid to the municipality or landlord. Do I include it in calculating my assets for nisaab amount? How would this affect the receiving or payment of Zakaat?
Q: There is a verse in the Quraan in which Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) says that the patient ones will be given reward without hisaab. Does this mean they will not be held accountable and given immediate entry into Jannah or does it mean that they will be given reward after accounting but a lot of reward?
Q: I'd like to know what is the ruling regarding men, ladies and children wearing jeans?
Q: A woman had nifaas for 40 days. She then spotted for 2 weeks. She had five months of no bleeding. She spotted for two weeks. She had 13 days of no bleeding. The next day she saw one spot of blood. She saw no blood for four days. On the fifth day, she saw one spot of blood. Her habit before nifaas was 17 days purity and 9 days bleeding. Should she follow the habit from before nifaas, or does she have a new habit based on her lengthy tuhr after nifaas?
Q: One of my siblings cut off ties with my mother. Am I allowed to cut off ties with the sibling who cut off ties with our mother? All my other siblings cut off ties and are asking me to cut off ties as well.