Muslim handling haraam food

Q: A neighbour of mine got a Muslim friend a job in the catering department of her workplace. His job involves ordering food for the canteen. He refuses to deal with pictures or images of non Halaal food but doesn't mind handling it. Is it forbidden to look at non Halaal food?

Passing the meeqaat with the intention of performing umrah without tying ihraam

Q: 3 weeks ago I came from Pakistan to Riyadh. Now I went from Riyadh to Jeddah to my brothers house but I didn't wear ihram and I didn't take any niyyat for Umrah. I was thinking that I will go for Umrah after 3-4 days. But now my father says that I have to give damm (penalty) because I supposed to go for Umrah first. I am in confusion about this issue.

Studying iridology

Q: I would like to enquire if it is permissible to study a diploma in Iridology. It's got to do with diagnosing conditions by looking into a persons eye to detect nutrional deficiencies and conditions etc. Please advise if Iridology is permisible within shariah especially when it comes to our Aqaaid.