Asking one's husband "Will you divorce me and he replies "Why not?"
Q: My sister, me and my husband were in a random conversation when I asked him will you divorce me. He said why not, but unintentionally. Is my talaq done? Is my marriage valid?
Q: My sister, me and my husband were in a random conversation when I asked him will you divorce me. He said why not, but unintentionally. Is my talaq done? Is my marriage valid?
Q: Is it permissible to use the following zikr:
Alhamdulil ladhi khalaq as samawat e wan noor.
Translation: Praise be to the one who created the heavens and the light
Q: Is it permissible to use short forms of arabic words such as Jzk instead of JazakaAllah and slms instead of Assalamu alaykum?
1. Does leaning against something whilst making dhikr with the eyes closed break wudhu?
2. Does falling asleep on a desk in front of a person whilst sitting on the floor break wudhu?
Q: I am using FNB Islamic Banking and got a savings account where I got some money in that account.At the end of every month FNB gives some amount as your Islamic Profit Share of the amount that you got in savings account. Is it halal to use that money?
Q: Is it the moral or legal responsibility of the husband to pay his wife's medical expenses?
Q: Can a husband ask his wife to wear hijab even in their house when they are in seclusion or when the wife is home alone?
Q: I am a collector and I collect banknotes from various countries. A few days ago, I bought a few foreign banknotes online from a website, I paid the amount and a few days later, the banknotes were delivered to me. Was this transaction haram as the purchase was not done hand to hand? And if it was haram, what am I required to do?
Q: I am living in Canada and perform salaah in a masjid or musalla where sometimes the salah is led by an Imam whose pants are below his ankle or someone has no beard and I don’t have any other choice. This happened once in a while. Do I have to repeat that salah after the jamaat or will it be okay? If I have to repeat the salah then I can repeat it in the future if this one happens but what about the past salah that I don’t know how many it was.
Q: Can a person read Salaah with a Topee only and no Kurta?