Married girl making sajdah in front of her husband
Q: A married girl makes sajdah in front of her husband and she said that you are every thing of mine, you are bigger then Allah for me.
Q: A married girl makes sajdah in front of her husband and she said that you are every thing of mine, you are bigger then Allah for me.
Q: If a person recites Surah Waqiah in the Maghrib Sunnats, is the Surah Waqiah of the night fulfilled or does he have to recite it separately while looking in the Quraan?
Q: Does a muqtadee have to recite the takbeers in salaah when going from one posture to another?
Q: If a muqtadee recites Durood Ebrahim in the 2nd rakaat of a 4 rakaat salaah, does he have to make sajdah sahw?
1. If I do a sin, such as watching tv, listen to music, disrespect parents, etc. in a room/place where there is a Quran, names of Allah, a picture of a Quran aayat, or any other Islamic thing, is it kufr?
2. Is it kufr to do a sin while athan is happening?
Q: I have a question regarding a tradition called "dood pilai" in Asian households.
During weddings, there is a tradition in which the brides sisters take money from the groom and in return give him a glass of milk. It's usually pre planned with the groom so he comes prepared. This event involves free mixing during the wedding and also pardah is not observed properly.
My question is, is the money which the bride's sisters took from the groom haram in these circumstances? Is it haram to use or keep it as a gift?
Does not observing modesty during this event make the money haram to keep or spend? If the groom earned it through halal means but it was transferred to me through free mixing, does it make the money haram to spend?
Q: Can one make multiple intentions when reciting Surah Ikhlaas 3 times? For protection (part of morning duas) as well as for isaale thawaab?
Q: Please clarify...
1. I know that it's sunnat to sit and eat and drink. Does eating fruits, chocolates, chips, ice cream, snacks, etc. all fall under the sunnat of sitting and eating, or is it only referred to eating as eating food?
2. Also, is it sunnat to cover ones head when eating and drinking?
Q: If someone wants us to respect him and it is for his ego, is it shirk if we still respect him? As we fear that if we don’t then he may beat us a bit and we’ll be humiliated.
Q: Is it permissible to ingest and apply seal oil on the skin?