Uttering the word talaaq while sleeping


1. If one is in half asleep and somehow realizes what he is doing but can not really think straight because he is half asleep and utters "talaaq" while the wife is somehow in the mind, does this count? The person could not really think about what he is doing or saying.

2. If someone mistakenly utters this word while just doing something and somehow thinking about the wife but there was no intention, but like a slip of the tongue, does this count?

Forgetting to make idtibaa' in the tawaaf of Umrah

Q: Alhamdulillah, I performed Umrah this week. After performing tawaaf and before performing the waajib-ut-tawaaf salaah, I realized that I forgot to open my right shoulder while performing tawaaf. However, I completed the remainder of the Umrah.

What is the ruling if I forgot to open my right shoulder while performing the tawaaf? Should I sacrifice a goat as damm?

Keeping the name Zeenath

Q: I need origin and pronounciation for these names Aiza, Zaina, Simrah, Laiba? I am very confused. I want to keep Aiza and Zaina, but don't have proper pronounciation for this name. For Laiba some say it is not a good name to keep as it has different meaning in Arabic, now for Simrah some say the name doesn't exist? Please need details about these four names?

Interest money

Q: I have some bank interest money. Can I give it to my real brother because he is not financially strong and he is living with me with his family? We are unable to live together anymore and does not have any source of income. He does not have his own house. According to his condition, please guide us.