Extending condolences to a non-Muslim friends family
Q: Is it permissible to extend condolences to a non-Muslim friends family?
Q: Is it permissible to extend condolences to a non-Muslim friends family?
Q: Is it permissible for a person to partake of a meal (from a fully halaal restaurant) gifted to one by a non-Muslim?
Q: For a very long time we used to hear noises in the house at night. We would hear people walking up and down the stairs, down the corridor, chairs moving and the bathroom taps open at night. Even some that would visit could hear the sounds. We would get sick very often but every time we went to doctors and did various tests it would all be clear. Nobody could tell us what was wrong with us.
From the beginning of the year we started playing Quran Sharief in the house in the background 24/7. Ever since, we haven't had any issues Alhamdulillah. We stopped hearing the sounds and our health has been better. Alhamdulillah Is this disrespect to the Quran Sharief?
Q: My cousin use to work in a bank. His job is in CAD department that verify's that if the customer applying for the loan could pay back to the bank. And after verification, he shares his approval with the loan providers in the bank.
My question is, since I and my family has a very close relation with them and they sometime invite us for dinner, lunch at their home. Is it halaal for me to eat from them considering my cousin is the only earner in their home?
Q: My sister has separated from her husband. She and her three kids are living with my brother and his family (i.e. wife and two little daughters) in one bedroom appartment in London. Her husband has not yet given her divorce but also does not pay for anything for the kids either. She herself is not working at the moment. Can I pay my zakaat to her or it will only be considered as sadaqah?
Q: I am a 52 year old single woman but by my appearance I look like 35 years. My question is, can I perform umrah in a group without a mahram. I am very strict about the umrah without a mahram but I also want to perform umrah. Please guide me.
Q: I'd like to know when a lady who has her own kids remarries a man who also has his own children, are the children mahram unto each other?
Q: Is it permissible to read Surah Yaseen or some other portion of the Quraan Majeed in front of a dead body?
Q: I follow the opinion of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen regarding piracy where he says: "In my view, if a person copies them for his own personal use, there is no harm in that. However, if he copies them for trade purposes, this is not permissible since it involves causing harm to others."
I use a website to download youtube videos for personal use so I can share them with family. Is this permissible as I know there can be issues with copyright in some countries. I’m from the UK. In cases like this, when does the ‘law of the land’ take precedence over Shari’ah? If ever? I don’t really fear any legal consequences although I know there are copyright laws here.
Q: If someone got married through the court and didn't fulfil the requirements for it to be an Islamic valid marriage, is this marriage still accepted in Islam?
The bride didn't have a wali due to her being the only Muslim but there also wasn't any male witnesses present during the ceremony.