Attending a function wherein sin takes place

Q: Is this ruling correct:

Question: We have a small community in the country I live in, and weddings are an excellent opportunity to come together and meet (new) people, as everyone lives far away from each other, especially regarding marriage purposes (the potential of finding a suitable partner amongst the crowd).

Recently, two people from our community got married after someone had contacted them at a wedding they had both attended (they didn’t know about each other’s existence beforehand).

Weddings with no music rarely ever take place, sadly enough. I’d have to miss out on all of them otherwise. Thus, from this perspective (marriage purposes), would it be permissible to attend a wedding with music playing in the background?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate

Yes. It is permissible to attend a wedding even though they play music in the background.

Background Versus Primary Activity

The ruling here revolves around the central issue, the wedding ceremony. Wedding ceremonies are permissible. The presence of music in the ceremony is a secondary characteristic. This secondary characteristic does not affect the fundamental permissibility of the wedding, according to the following axiom:

“Subsidiaries are subsidiary and are not given their own rulings.” [Ibn Nujaym, al-Ashbah wa al-Nazair]

If any impermissible actions become the focal point of the event, such as mixed-gender dancing or the like-continued involvement in the wedding at this point is impermissible. [Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]

Commanding the Good

If the music’s content is impermissible, then it is obligatory to advise those in charge of the ceremony to offer an acceptable alternative if there is a hope that your advice will result in change.

This is especially true and important for anyone who is an example or role model. [Nahlawi, Durar al-Mubaha]

The Permissible is Plenty

As Muslims, is it of central importance to know what Allah Most High permits and prohibits before taking on any endeavor, such as holding a wedding ceremony? Our plans for the ceremony must be through the lens of that knowledge.

There are many permissible avenues of entertainment that one can use for the wedding. This allows people to enjoy their time, and no one is turning away from the obedience of Allah in the meantime.

Earning via boosting game accounts

Q: I have been earning via boosting game accounts which is basically leveling them up to a certain level and then selling it to customers. However, the game seems to ban some of my accounts because of the violation of terms of sales whenever it detects me boosting them. Furthermore, I'll have to make sure I create as much randomness as possible in the process of making the account so that I cannot be detected boosting them. I would like to know if this is a haraam or a halaal way of earning as I put a lot of time and effort in boosting these accounts and I make sure they are sold to the customers with complete honesty and warranty of the account.

Respecting one's abusive father

Q: I have a father, he is a worst creature I have ever seen in my life unfortunately. He always abuses us, my mother, his own mother while talking to us almost 7/10 times. He never spends a single penny on us apart from studies.

I am 25 years old and I have seen the emotional torture for the last 25 years. He used to beat our mother, I wish with a dare, I answer his nonsense infront of 10 people, but my mother stops me always saying that he is my father. She actually covers his psycho behaviour.

Some time from now I will get married and I dont want my wife to see such evil stuff, and my children as well (in shaa Allah).

Whenever I think of taking some legal and respectful action against him, to settle down things for atleast me, I am being stopped by my mother in the name of Islam. I want to know my Islamic right, how can I save myself from emotional torture?

We did a medical test for his brain (MRI), it came fine perfectly, the doctor says he has now multiple personality disorder, but I don't agree, since he has been the same person from day 1.

I want go away from him to save myself, and in shaa Allah my future family. Can I do this in Islam, because I am always being stopped in the name of Islam.

Gifting an item to a person upon one's death

Q: Please could I get clarity on the following regarding wills:

If a person wants a particular relative to receive a particular item upon his/her death, can this be done? (For instance, items that are currently in use that cannot be given during one's life e.g. a car, jewellery, sentimental items, etc.)

Can a person write in his Islamic will that upon his demise, such and such item of his should be given to person A? 

Will nikaah takes place if a boy asks a girl “will you marry me”?

Q: What’s the maslah pertaining to the question “will you marry me”?

I learnt a while ago that whether it was done in a school play for example and the boy had to ask the girl or vice versa “will you marry me” and she said yes, they are married? What would be the maslah and how would the marriage be terminated?

What would happen if it happened on WhatsApp or in private? Would they still be married? And how would the marriage be terminated?

What would be the maslah if the people don’t know about the maslah of getting married in this way and they did it? I have a friend who went out with a group of friends and this girl asked him will you marry me and he said ya I will and they were with other friends? Are they married and what would be the next step?