Cursing one's child

Q: One of my acquaintance curses his daughter with haraam animal (pig) whenever he is angry or in rage. Kindly explain what are the precautions to be taken and what consequences can be held against that person in the eyes of Allah!

Giving preference to one's cat over one's mother

Q: There is a dispute between my mother and I regarding the cat which I keep in my house. My mother wants me to remove the cat from the house, whereas I want to keep the cat, and this causes us to fight.

I live separately with my wife and I am not even living with my mother, yet she has made a huge fuss for me to remove the cat from the house and I am not willing to do that.

Please guide me as to what I should do? We have extreme love for cats, but now my mother seldom visits our home and only comes perhaps twice a month.

Compensating for breaking something

Q: It had happened once that I accidentally broke a floor tile that was kept aside in a hospital. Then on another instance , I accidentally broke part of a curtain of a room in a college. Do I have to pay the compensation? If yes, then who do I pay the compensation? There is no individual owner of these properties. This is all government property. So I donot know whom to give the money? Can I put some money at the place where the broken things are? Or can I give the estimated money to a a beggar? Because if I give the money to anybody else, there is high chance that they will put the money in their own pockets.

Zakaat on money owed to a person

Q: I am a young baaligh teenager and I have a share in a business with my friend. We have not yet cashed out and split the money. The money that is owed to me is more than the nisaab amount. However, we do not have that amount of cash on hand and so that is why we have not cashed out and split the profits. Is zakaat liable on me?

Woman leaving her home to assist the elderly

Q: I'd like to find out if it is permissible for me as a lady to go out of my home and assist in a local care center for our Muslim mothers of our communities (they have no family to take care of them).

I always wear loose fitting clothing and make sure I am home by asr time if I do have to go out in necessity.

I have the skill of interacting and taking care of the elderly whether its family or not and love sitting with the elderly and listening to their advice and gaining some wisdom. I've been wanting to volunteer but am not sure what is the shariah ruling with regards to my intention of going out of my home to serve the elderly for the pleasure of Allah and giving back to community as many of our elderly ladies especially from Taleem always made the time to give me a good Tarbiyah as I grew into a lady that I am now.

And advice will be greatly appreciated and follwed Insha allah.

Shar’ee solution to medical aid schemes

Q: Based on the Sharee solution at the end of this answer: , if the money is paid to the hospital or doctor directly monthly, and after one or two months, a service needs to be rendered that exceeds the amount the customer/patient has paid the doctor or hospital to-date, will that also be regarded as interest, or will it be acceptable due to it being a service received and not money?