Does smoking break wudhu
Q: Does smoking break wudhu?
Q: Does smoking break wudhu?
Q: In Shari'ah, is there any specific finger for a female to wear a ring?
Q: I have some questions about fasting. Could you please answer them when you have time in shaa Allah? Water drops/discharges/intentions
1. If you wake up during fasting having a wet dream, does it break you fast?
2. If you accidentally (remembering you are fasting or not remembering) got a drop or two of water in your throat does it break your fast? Does number of drops matter, one, two, etc?
3. If a drop or two entered your ear during ghusl accidentally (remembering about fasting or not) does it break your fast? Does amount of drops matter, one, two, etc?
4. During fasting is it allowed to make only fard ghusl: washing private parts, mouth, nose (not deep), and then 3 times head, 3 times right part of your body (by left hand), 3 times left part of your body (by right hand)? How important it is to make sure that all skin gets wet during it, I mean from neck till feet, underarm, etc or pouring water 3 times is just symbolic and no need to make sure you all get wet during the process and then we can just wash ourselves as we normally do, using shampoo, soap etc? Is it ok the way I described?
5. if I didn’t repay my kazas for current Ramadan and do it only after next Ramadan, do I have to pay some money for each day? Is the ruling the same if I wasn’t in time due to something that doesn’t depend on me or due to me delaying it deliberately?
Q: How is this dua? Please check it.
يا الهي! تجعلني سبيل المثال من شجرة تخرج من طور سيناء تنبت بالدهن وصبغ للآكلين.
Q: The question arises that few months ago my father had passed away after that there are no men in our family by which we can get financial support that is why some of the money that we are having are basically invested in the government scheme so the first question is that can we use that profit for groceries? We do not have any men in our family. Second question is that are we allowed to give zakaat from this profit?
Q: I am the only Muslim at home and I eat what I separately cook (halaal meat, etc). My non-Muslim family cooks meat I have no information about, they also eat salami that contains pork, etc. When the cook meat splashes of fat can fall on kitchen appliances (kettle, oven itself, etc). But what bothers me the most is that it splashes also on a kitchen towel, because it hangs on an oven hand. They can also touch this towel after touching meat or other haram products and then they use the same towel to dry dishes after washing them. When I use kitchen appliances I wash them 3 times under the water as I was told. Now I have some questions to you. Please don’t answer any of questions out of pity. JazakAllahu khairan
1. Do I need to wash dishes before using them 3 times? Is holding them under the water for a while enough or a hand must be used to wash them 3 times?
2. If I know my mother cooked some soup or dish with no meat and haram ingredients, can I eat it too knowing that she didn’t wash anything 3 times as I do or I have to make myself something simple, like boil pasta, fried egg, etc? Hunger is not a problem for me, just want to make sure all is halal in shaa Allah.
3. As in 2., if there is nothing else except bread to eat, can I eat that food? Eating just bread is no problem for me, just want to make sure I am not overacting and not making life difficult for nothing. And if there is no bread as an option?
4. If I see how my family cuts salami and then with the same hands touch bread, the box where we keep the bread or other objects, a) can I eat that bread too afterwards? Obviously they touched it and cut a piece for themselves, but what about the rest, is it contaminated for me now? B) do I have to always wash my hands after touching objects that I saw them touching with najasa hands? If yes, then should soap be used always or if I feel that the fat is being washed away with just water will it be enough in shaa Allah?
5. If I feel no fat on the object, but it’s an object from my suspicious list of objects they touch every day, is water enough or soap must be used?
6. If there is nothing else for me to eat and I know that this particular dish is cooked with products that are A) suspicious or B) clearly having some ingredients haram (like alcohol or animal fat), am I allowed to eat it or better to stay hungry? Is haram allowed only when you are dying from hunger or also when there is nothing else to eat too? Please answer for A and B..
7. Soon I will leave my job in shaa Allah due to mixing with men and will have to eat what is bought on my family’s money, does it mean I have to avoid suspicious dishes (with no meat) and cook pasta or eggs, for myself all the time? I don’t want my family to say that I use products when there is a dish to eat and that Islam makes me do strange things (for their understanding)
8. If I wash dishes that were used to cook haram meat, and splashes of water mixed with fat and liquid soap fall on my clothes, should I change it for salah, should I wash it under the flush (water jet) or rubbing a place 3 times with wet hands is sufficient in shaa Allah?
Q: I am making nikkah soon Insha Allah. I will become a second wife to this man. He is married to a very violent woman and this is one of my concerns as she has already attacked me physically in public and I'm sure she won't stop. She isn't afraid of him, she swears and hits him, in public too. I love this man very much so I have made sacrifices to be with him. My other concern is that they are married in community of property, that means, what is his is theirs and that means whatever he buys for me will legally belong to them and not me, which also means that should he pass on, she can claim my home and leave me stranded. What are my rights once we married? He wants to get us an apartment while his first wife owns a house. He has set up a trust fund for her but nothing for me as yet. I feel like I will be second in everything. If I do marry him, it will be anc, in accordance to shariah. Am I right in being concerned for my future or am I being selfish? Please advise me.
Q: I am in a doubt. Nowadays there is been a trend of Islamic naats, naat e sharif which are dedicated to our respective Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam in which they use words like" tujhe" " tera" tu, I feel that these words are not suitable for our beloved and respected prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). So my question to you is, it permissable to listen or sing such naats?
Q: HCG 5000 shots are made from the extraction of pregnant women's urine. This is also made synthetically, using the process of synthesis peptide. This shots can be also used for loosing weight. My question is are the synthesis peptide permissible in Islam?
Q: I have a 10 year old daughter who obeyed me till now. But trying to behave like her cousins, she now misbehaves with me and reply back when I scold her even for her betterment. Can you please advice me on some duas to change her attitude?