What should one recite in Tahajjud Salaah
Q: What to read in Tahajjud namaaz?
Q: What to read in Tahajjud namaaz?
Q: As Muslims say dreams are from Allah Ta'ala but I am really fond of true dreams and I wanted to ask if there's anyway you could get pure or real dreams? Anything to recite or something?
Q: The tableeghis in most of the markaz do not use speaker during namaz or azan with the intention that it is near to the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's time and they do not state use of speaker haram/illegal or bad in any sense and in some markaz speakers are used. In a big namaz they have multiple Mukabbirs. Please shed some light for our guidance.
Q: I have a question about wet dreams. I read all questions on the site but still have doubts about my situation. Could you please advise me too? May Allah reward your work, amin. I am a female, I ask these questions below to in shaa Allah make my ibadaat easy and avoid needless bathing, my non-Muslim family can say that I only spend time in toilet for ghusl and wudu as urinating takes a lot of time for me and preparation for salah therefore too. I don’t have much of wet dreams honestly and usually I am sure when I see them, because even if I don’t remember the dream itself the moment when relaxation comes and you feel weak, climax etc, that moment I usually wake up. But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios?
Q: On a buy to let ISA, for the amount saved in the ISA, the bank provides variable interest return which is haram however, as an incentive to save, the government provides £50 bonus for every £200 deposited into the account each month. Is this bonus something we can take?
Q: I started practising purdah since marriage and encouragement from my wife. As a result my female cousins and their parents have taken offence and caused disunity. I work in a hospital amongst nurses and female colleagues (doctors). How do I correct my home situation? What stance must I take regarding family functions/dawats? How do I behave at work? Am I allowed to speak to staff colleagues regarding patient matters and my other work arrangements? Am I allowed to: 1. Initiate a greeting? 2. Treat female patients? 3. Give feedback to female spouses?
Q: I have a one year five month old son who eats solids and drinks breast milk at times. I want to wean him off from breast feeding as I am three months pregnant but my husband insists that I feed him until he is two years. I know the weaning period is two years but in this case I would just like to know the masala. Do I need to breast feed for full two years or will I be sinful if I wean him off now?
Q: My hairs are long and silky. When I perform Salaah, my hat falls off in sadja. Is it necessary to wear a hat in namaz or can I put on another thing to cover my head?
Q: My wife and I do a lot of travelling by car. A lot of times the distances we drive are over 90km. Due to this, sometimes we have to pray on the side of the road or in a parking lot. If my wife prays outside the car like me, there are many people (men and women) who walk and drive by and could see her. In this case, is it permissible for my wife to pray sitting down in the car?
Q: I wanted to ask about stones in Islam like aqeeq. Can I wear it because some people say about stones that they suit some people only?