
Q: If a person doesn't carry out any rule of Shar'iah e.g. if a person commits hurmat-e-musaharaah and doesn't confess, according to fatawa mahmoodiyah he will be sinful but if he makes sincere taubah and doesn't do it again, in the court of Allah Ta'ala will he be taken to task i.e: Will he be given punishment or will he be forgiven?

Marital problems

Q: I would like to ask a question regarding faskh. I have been married to my husband close to four years now and out of the four years we spent 6 month together. I wanted us to be a family and live together. I have been asking him for us to be a family but he keep saying it is not the right time. In the end I said, if it is not the right time to have a family for you then maybe we should end it and you find a sister when you ready. That got me a phone ban. Basically he stopped calling and refused to answer his phone. At this point I went to visit where he lives. Which is in another continent. I ended up there called him and he said you are not here for me. I did not ask you to come. I have been there for 3 weeks trying with no avail. Now he is refusing to pick up my phone and it is one year since I went to visit and he refuses still to talk to me. I would like to go for a faskh but I do not want to do anything unislamic. What us your take on this?

Going to Madina before Makkah

Q: If a person is planning to perform umrah, should he go to Makkah first or he may go to Madina first and then Makkah? Some ulma say that it is good to go to Madina first, visit shuhada-e-uhud as according to a Holy prophet's one quotation implies that it makes our prophet more happy if one visits shuhada-e-uhad before he makes ziarat of the holy prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and after spending his planned days in Madinah finally goes to makkah and performs umrah if one seeks the best from Allah. Is this thought valid? And if one performs his umrah in this manner keeping this in mind, would that umrah be valid?

Marital problems

Q: I have been suffering from depression because of guilt for the past 2 years. Now I am married but the marriage has always been rocky with abuse of all kinds. I started a job but did an unthinkable mistake. I got involved with someone but I ended it because I knew it was wrong. My husband found out because I didn't want to go in with the relationship. My husband found every possible way to humiliate me in public with friends family. He even went to the nearest musjid. I asked Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness, pleaded day and night. I asked my husband to forgive me. I came back home but he still didn't stop the abuse and he picks on me almost all the time. I am starting to suffer from depression and feel like taking my life. Please advise me.

Discharge problem


1. I want to ask that I am suffering from severe leukorrea (likoria) problem. Some times it is difficult to offer namaaz. Is it wajib to do wudhu again during namaaz after likoria to complete the namaaz?

2. Namaaz me waswaso se bachney ke lye koi wazifa?

Wearing Hijaab

Q: I live in Norway and go to school there. I have worn the hijab for about 5 years now. Some days are easier then others and I feel the hijab is the best choice. But now it is restricting me from so many things here and it is attracting many comments both from believers and non believers. My question is, is it valid for me to wear it even though I don't want to. Is hijab a fard for a Muslim woman, even if I would dress modestly? I need some guidance towards this. May Allah help us all!