Woman working

Q: I am a mother of 3 kids. Few years ago, I used to work as a daily wage lecturer in a college. I left my job to take care of my kids. Now I came to know that my fellow colleagues have all been ranked permanent by the government. My kids are now school going and I feel very depressed at home although I have a loving husband who earns well masha-Allah. Sometimes I regret leaving my job. I feel stressed and awful. Kindly I need good advice.

Discharging the market value of goods for zakaat if one does not have cash

Q: I have a retail business that's just breaking even month on month, alhumdulillah. This year has been my hardest year and revenue is declining. I have approximately R2.8mil in stock that is very slow moving and I want to know, how do I go about paying the zakaat on my business this year? The revenue generated weekly is used for salaries, day to day expenses and purchasing of fast selling goods. There are weeks that I don't take any wage, so I need to plan ahead, so that my business zakaat can be discharged accordingly. My zakaat date is 1st Rabi Al Awaal

Getting married to one's foster sisters brother

Q: I am writing to seek your guidance on a family matter concerning marriage eligibility in Islam. 

I am considering the possibility of proposing marriage between my daughter and her first cousin from mother side. However, there is a specific detail that we need to clarify: the boy's younger sister is also our daughter's radaai sister (sister through breastfeeding). 

Given this relationship, I am unsure if it is permissible for my daughter to marry her cousin. Could you please provide clarity on this matter according to Islamic principles?

Lizard droppings on a wall

Q: As we all know that almost all houses have lizards. My question is: 

1. Lizard's dropping is found on the wall and it has dried. If we paint the wall and the brush touches the impurity, does it make all the wall with new paint impure? 

2. If this wall with new paint dries and someone with wet hand touches it, but the traces of color is not visible, will his hand be pure?