Working with women

Q: I am young single male in my early 20s. I find myself working in an organization department comprised only of female staff. The other departments have male staff, but not mines. I am the only male in my work environment. I have to communicate to the young staff and and elderly staff for administration purposes and work purposes. The staff comprises of young and elderly Muslim women. I experience great difficultly in respect of understanding my role and duty as a Muslim. How do I relate to the young girls and women. Sometime they feel I am being funny when I try not to talk or make salaam to them and they make my task difficult for me. Should I continue in this job or look for another one? How should I conduct myself with the Muslim women?

Discharge coming out due to one's thoughts

Q: I got some dirty sexual thoughts but changed my mind as fast as I could and I kept reminding my self not to think of the thoughts later like 15-20 min or so I went to the washroom and when I was washing I noticed discharge it wasn't a lot but it was a bit more then usual so am I napaak? Also what's the ruling in this type of discharge from those thoughts when is ghusl needed?

Equality between wives

Q: My husband wants to take a second wife. We have been living in my house for twenty years. He bought a house now to live with his second wife. According to Shari'ah, is he supposed to provide me also with a house? Also what are the conditions?

The laws of inheritance

Q: My father in-law just passed away recently. We were informed that there is no will for the faraidh of his estate but he has left a verbal message to a male and female witness. Please advise if that is valid and we should abide by it? We are pretty unsure and would like to do it right for the deceased. One more question, if faraidh are not done correctly, what are the consequences?

Talaaq related questions

Q: Before I ask my question let me explain what happened. Shortly after we got married my husband and I had a fight and he said I am giving you a talaaq. This being the first time he has said we took it it as one talaaq, and we reconciled and carried on. After that we had numerous fights and it got to a point where he said he doesn't want to be with me anymore, he is leaving. Very harsh words towards me. But he did not say that he is giving me another talaaq or divorcing me. A few months passed after that and it has now gotten to a point about two weeks ago, that he said I am giving you a talaaq, and he packed up and left. I have been sitting in iddat since then. My questions are as follows;

1. Does him saying during our fights that he is leaving constitute a second talaaq?

2. Is this talaaq he has given now the 2nd or 3rd talaaq?

3. If it is the 2nd talaaq can we reconcile and does a new nikaah have to made?

4. If it is the 3rd talaaq does he still have a responsibility to me during my iddat period or not, as he has moved out am I obliged to spend my iddat in my current home where I am still staying?

5. Is it permissible for me to go to work during my iddat as he is no longer supporting me, and I have no father or brothers or even uncles to take me in?

Rights of people that one had usurped before accepting Islam

Q: Am I allowed to go to learn Deen or Hajj or Tabligh or other Deeni purpose? The problem, I did a few things when I was a non-Muslim but after conversion, Alhamdulillah nothing.

When I was non-Muslim, I had no bad intention, and I needed a place to live. So I had a company through which I sold webpages, design, spam services and I decided to search for a flat and I found one flat and this was an advertisement of some real estate agent, (a system that owner of flat used the service of real estate agent to get clients). So the owner of this flat was a heart doctor, so I had some money but I didn't have the third part of the rent (first payment needs to be like 3x rent, I had only two parts, if I am correct) and because of deadline I had to fake one paper of payment, so they believed that I have paid  money will be received soon (like the next day) but next day this doctor was in another country for some thing, so there was no problem for me. I didn’t pay, and after I lived like three months I didn't pay no rent and no other costs. One reason was that my company wasn't doing well to pay it. So after the third month I just moved out and I left the key and I sent an sms so and so. For now I have not heard anything of them. Not from doctor and nor from the real estate agent.

My company ordered services from an accountant and when she finished the work, then I did not pay. Now she has not contacted me but when I contacted then she said yes I owe her like 1000€ and some interest.

Before Islam, in France 2 times + other time(s) for 2 times I got judgment and I spent like a few years in jail. (2-7 years for I got 3 + 2  years alhamdulillah bigger swallowed other smaller one.)

Anyway, the problem was I bought from a seller credit card, debit card data from all over the world. (how seller gets the data/info:

1. A person is working in some pub, hotel, restaurant etc. and when the client gives credit card he swipes it also from his personal card copier, so he copies the data without client knowing it. When worker makes copies of credit card with copy machine (like papers) so he just collect the copies and sells them. He just hacks and takes anything they want. All this is done while the person does not know he is stealing. So I buy this data, and I make credit cards by using this data which I bought, so I go and use it to buy computers, and other valuable electronics, pay hotels, restaurants, and rent a car and so on, like clothes and jewellery. As this credit card data that I bought was in another continent and I paid in France and the real person paid in his own country with the real credit card, then the bank refused to give money to the businesses of France and returned the money. So when I got the judgment, they say that I need to pay 18k€ to the bank of France for damages that I have done but when I payed some little amount of money then I got receipt that I have paid the hotel that I used.

All of this was done before I became Muslim. Doesn't Islam erase all my previous life things. I became Muslim in the jail so after I came out I started to pay but now I have no money, house of my own etc. Someone is offering me to go to a Madrasah for free, can I go? He is not giving me money, just a scholarship sort of thing.