Washing after relieving oneself

Q: After defecating, I clean myself for a long time around and inside of the anus. After sometime again when I put my finger deep inside the anus (the innermost place where finger can reach) I still find stool there. It is very painful and time consuming and I keep on checking it even later. Please tell me the proper method of washing and should I ignore that which is inside of the anus?

Proving scientific theories from the Qur'an

Q: I have an important aqidah question. Some Muslim apologists are claiming Surah 51:47 is discussing scientific foreknowledge of the expanding universe in secular science. They claim the word "musiuna" in the ayah means "expanding", is this correct? I read in Surah 79:28, it says the heavens were "rafa'a", raised, which is past tense, which contradicts expanding. Does Al Quran teach an expanding, or static universe?

A son that has become murtad

Q: A South African Muslim's son became a Christian. Should his family cut of all ties with him? He assists his parents with cash and kind as they are not well to do, can they accept this help? His father died, can he attend the janaazah? Can he pay towards all the burial expenses? He now comes home often to console his mother and fulfil any needs she has as he can, is this fine? The rest of the family are adamant that his mother and sister cut off all ties with him and stop him from coming home. Is this correct advice according to Shari'ah? He has two small children who are dearly loved by their  grandmother. Can they visit? Is it correct to call them children of Shaitaan?

Illicit relationship


1. I was unfortunately involved in an illicit relationship with a girl who was in the same class as me. This was last year and it was the final year. With the Fazal Karam and Ihsaan of Allah Ta'ala I changed my life. Allah Ta'ala gave me the Taufeeq to not let my gaze fall on this female from just before Ramadan till now. The only contact we had after Allah Ta'ala guided me was I sent her an email with past exam papers which seemed to me as a necessity. May Allah Ta'ala keep us guided and save us from the traps of naffs and shaytaan the accursed. However, before turning away, the human feeling of emotion made me tell her that I would still want to marry her, etc. I don't know if she is "waiting for me" or what. After listening to advices and bayanaat of the pious, I would like to do my nikaah as right as possible and in in a manner that's most pleasing to Allah Ta'ala so it can be full of barqat. Something that started of with haraam can not be the best way to go forward. My heart is not inclined towards something that was a means of me displeasing Allah Ta'ala. What should I do? I have intention of settling down Insha Allah.

2. I had a dream of my madressa principal saheb (D.B) informing me that he was fortunate to have me as a student in his madressa. The total opposite is true.

Haraam relationship

Q: I am a 26 year old boy from India. I have a non-muslim (Hindu) girl friend 25 years old since 5 to 6 years. I explained her about Islam and its beauty. She got a lot of knowledge about Islam and now we want to marry and live together. But we have two problems in our way:

1. My family doesn't know about our relationship so far and my father is a heart patient, he faced a heart attack recently. Due to Indian culture and society he will never allow us to live together.

2. If I leave the girl then she will have to go back to her past and I am afraid her family will marry her with a non-muslim boy and she will not able to become a Muslim in the future after knowing facts about Islam. I am confused, if I marry her my father may not able to face this situation. Please give me the best solution. I want to know what is best in the way of Allah.