Reciting behind the Imaam


1. I just want to ask in the zuhr and asr salaah when you are behind the Imam are you going to recite the surah fatiha and then after fatiha do I need to recite another surah? Or only the surah fatiha?

2. Another question of mine in magrib and isha salaah on the first and second rakaat after we say ameen behind the imam, do I need to repeat the surah
fatiha silently while the imam is reciting another surah? I follow Abu Hanifa.


Q: I'm currently expecting my fifth baby and I want to know if I obtained a taweez from my local mufti to wear on at the time of labour and child birth, will it be haraam? Will I be committing shirk in any way? An urgent reply will be highly appreciated.

Keeping the name Nasir and Azeem


1. Some people have names like Nasir. It is the name of Allah. Though it is not sifati name of Allah. Is it right to have such names for makhlooq/humans?

2. People use the names like 'Azeem' in urdu to refer qualities of humans. Also they use 'Zabardast' and such words to refer quality of Allah and humans also. Is this right to use these words for humans although these words or their meaning is sifati name of / specific to Allah in Arabic? Or is this 'shirk'?

Doubts regarding purity

Q: My friend ate chicken and washed his hands and then he met me and touched my shirt then I noticed his hands and they were wet and then I found out that he ate chicken by asking him. His hands were wet when he touched me and I don't know whether the oil of the chicken was still there on his hands or not and I don't know if it is haram or halal (chicken). Is my shirt paak?