Black magic

Q: I was told by a sheikh that someone did black magic on me three to four years ago. I ate something that sits below my navel. Over the years several others have told me that I'm possessed by a jinn. Due to the difference of opinion on taweez I am reluctant to go with it. Please advise on any aamaal to remove black magic?

Wazifa for financial problems

Q: May Allah Ta'ala bless you and your family. Our family is surpassing through financial problems. I and my father are jobless. We both are engineers and I'm trying for a job and my father too. We are not getting employment anywhere. I don't know what kind of obstacles are coming in our way. Please suggest me some dua to recite so that our financially conditions could improve further. Give me a collection of duas so that I can recite it. I read surah waqiah, surah talaq, surah asshura still could not find any changes. I want a dua which should remove every obstacle even though if we are under sihr. A dua which can remove every spiritual, evil eye or any kind of obstacle. Please a dua which can remove every obstacle and increase sustenance. From wherever we are finding source of income surely there is some obstacle in our way.

Wazifa for a good job

Q: My husband is working in a bank in Saudi but his salary is not increasing and he is searching for non banking job but he is not getting that. Also please help me give any dua so that the salary should increase or he get a good job.

Questions of a Buddhist

Q: I am employed by a Sri Lankan company whose owner is Buddhist by religion and faith, but having had a long association with him he has got curious about Islam and ask questions about the Islam from time to time which in my personal capacity I try to answer him and satisfy him as per my understanding and limited knowledge of Islam as an ordinary Muslim. But this time he came up with few question where wanted to have some concrete evidences and references for the questions below as he is planning to write a book on Sri Lanka's way forward and how and what they should learn from others and leave in peace and harmony while respecting all humans. The questions are as follow:

1. Islam's teaching says to respect other religions and its leaders and worship other religious leaders as same as Prophet Mohamad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), especially Lord Buddha and Jesus. Where was it written?

2. Someday Jesus will appear. Quran says that he will come to world from one mosque, Christians themselves will reject, etc. where is this written and what is the sequence of it?

3. What Does Islam say about the fate of Jerusalem?

4. Any resemblance of Muslim teachings and Buddhist teachings? What does Islam say or believe about the powers of Buddha, how he attained it as per your understanding or anywhere it is written. What does Islam says about the Buddhist philosophy and such teachings?

5. How to establish harmony among all?

I tried to answer them in general but being an ordinary Muslim I couldn’t provide evidences or references to satisfy him. Therefore I request you to kindly assist me and share your knowledge and wisdom for someone who might accept Islam just by sharing him knowledge.

Husband involved with another woman

Q: I am a forty year old women. Married for 21 years. My husband is involved with a women. I had caught him several times doing heinous activities. I have always tried to conceal and believe his fake clearances. I offer five times salah. I learn and teach Quran. I had always been far from any heinous acts. Now that he has lost his interest in me. I have read in Qur'an somewhere that good man for good women and sinful man for sinful women. Does this mean that I am also sinful? Or do some other sin so that I am paired with this man? I have four daughters. My husband shouts aloud in the house so that no one dares to discuss his evil activities. I don't know what shall I do. Every next day of my life seems more miserable. Please help me out and pray for me. If there is any wazifa in this regard, please let me know.

Black magic

Q: I am from India. Since I am feeling helpless in life these days I consulted a mufti. He says I am suffering through black magic. Should I believe him? I probably mean do muftis lie?