Using beef gelatine as a hair remover
Q: Can you apply beef gelatine on your face as a hair remover and then peel it off?
Q: Can you apply beef gelatine on your face as a hair remover and then peel it off?
Q: I just wanted to know how the iddat period of a woman works when she is pregnant. If I divorce my wife while she is pregnant and the baby dies in her stomach but she is not aware of this is she still in iddat until the doctors deliver the baby even though the baby has died or does her iddat end the day the baby dies in her stomach even though shes was not aware and the baby is still inside her?
Q: I am a mazoor as I suffer from urinary incontinence. I had a ghusl an hour befor jumuah. When I was at jumuah just before jamaat salaah commenced I felt a drop of urine coming out though I wasn't sure. The drop of urine can't soil my clothing as I wear a incontinence pad. Even if I remove the pad and check I won't be able to confirm if a drop came out as the pad is absorbent. I made namaaz like this. Was the namaaz excepted or do I have to repeat it.
Q: Is it permissible to learn Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) from a non-Muslim?
Q: Is it more rewarding to buy gifts for one's family or to spend that money in sadaqah? (for the person who can't afford to do both)?
Q: I am little bit worry about this still this doubt give me stress. I had completed my Hajj before 3 years I had done all things step by step after complete my hajj suddenly a doubt came in my mind whether I had done wudhu and ghusl completly and properly or I had missed something. I am not sure about this so is my hajj valid? I know its waswasa I always try to ignore this doubt but I can't. How can I get rid out of this situation please advise me.
Q: Is there any credible or authentic narration which states that Hawa (the mother of mankind), Sarah (the mother of the Prophet Isaac), Princess Hajrah of Egypt (the mother of Prophet Ismael), Queen Asiya (the wife of the Pharaoh of the time of Musa) and/or Hazrat Mariam (the mother of Prophet Isa) were present at the birth of Rasool (Sallalla hu alaihi wa Sallam)? A Barelwi brother once told me that Hazrat Mariam (the mother of Prophet Isa) was also present, whilst this article states from the Jamiatul Ulama states that the other four ladies were present: However I have not come across any lecture on the Seerah nor any book of Seerah mentioning that any of these five women were present. Furthermore Shaykh Maulana Ibrahim Mogra of the UK said that it is false to state that Hazrat Mariam was present. Can the Mufti please clarify the true position of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah?
Q: I have a relative whose husband to be proposed to her and is planning to leave S.A to study deen in Saudi Arabia. Is it advisable for him to leave everything behind? The boy is very much interested in the girl and wants to make nikaah but he says the best way to get full benefit of deen is from Saudi Arabia to study there. His mind is set on leaving but the girl is trying to show him how it won't be a good idea. (e.g. Salafis, method of obtaining deeni ilm) Please do advise.
Q: My Husband is impotent and his behaviour is very bad with me. Actually this is his second marriage and he is psycho also. I want khula please help me mufti sahab, he always teases me, shouts and scolds me. I even can't talk with my parents. We are separate for the last three years and I will not go back. Please help me.
Q: When conducting Taleem at home, I recite tasmiya before starting to read from Fazaail-e-Amaal. My father gets very angry and shouts at me saying that I must ta'wuz along with the tasmiya. I explained to him that ta'wuz is to be recited before recitation of the Qur'an, yet he is not satisfied with this. In all the bayaans and kitaab-readings I have attended, I have never heard anyone recite ta'wuz along with tasmiya. Hence, I do not do so. But my father, who is a faasiq, tells me: "Is it not better to recite Ta'wuz? Why do you not like doing it?" Anyhow, with the incorrect behaviour of my father aside:
1. Is my father correct?
2. With the exception of reciting the Qur'an Shareef or when faced with some Shaytaani thought/confrontation, what occasions warrant the recitation of ta'wuz?
3. Why is ta'wuz not recited before a bayaan or a kitaab reading?
4. Is it "better" and "more rewarding" to recite ta'wuz before a bayaan or kitaab reading etc.?
5. Is it necessary to recite tasmiya and/or ta'wuz before reciting Ahadith?