Multi-level marketing
Q: Is Multi-level marketing (MLM)/Networking permissible? It is very popular with Muslim women who sell Tupperware, AMC Cookware, Avon
etc. from home.
Details of the system are as follows:
Q: Is Multi-level marketing (MLM)/Networking permissible? It is very popular with Muslim women who sell Tupperware, AMC Cookware, Avon
etc. from home.
Details of the system are as follows:
Q: Respected Mufti saab please could you tell me the amount a person will have to pay if he missed 6 years and 6 months Salaah. As well as 6 years of fasts that were missed. In those six years 3 years fasts were kept but broken intentionally through eating. Please calculate as if 6 years of fasts were missed completely.
Q: Can I pray Qur'an from a mobile application without having wudhu, is it permissible? If yes will I get the same reward like of reciting qur'an with wudhu, because I am suffering from urine incontinence although I am not a mazoor?
Q: When a person visits a grave, on which side should he stand?
Q: Is home insurance haraam? It does deal with interest, but so does car insurance.
1. A person had thrown away a large number office files. There was nothing wrong with many of these files. I retrieved one file from his dirt bin and have been using it ever since. I remember hearing a ruling that once a person disposes an item, it is permissible for others to take it without the permission of the former owner. Is this correct?
2. Secular students in some places go through the outdoor rubbish bins at the places where their exams are printed before the dirt is collected by the garbage services. They hope to find copies of their upcoming exams that have been thrown away due to printing errors and similar reasons. They do not trespass onto property. Is this permissible?
Q: Is it permissible to do work repairing catering equipment, keeping in mind that such equipment may be used for non-halaal items (pork, alcohol, etc.)? Would the income generated from such work be halaal?
Q: I have a very big problem. I can't stop lying to my family and friends. Also I feel it difficult to share personal information with those closest to me. I am completely isolated and feel that my pride is interfering with my relationships. Please help me with some advice how I can overcome this dilemma.
Q: I have a question regarding nikah. If we do nikaah during engagement. Due to some reasons girl is asking divorce before the actual marriage function. She didn't come to our house. Can you please answer whether they will pay back the mehar and other things which we gave to the girl during engagement on nikaah.
Q: Is it permissible for a husband to pleasure his wife while she is on her periods?