Father purchasing a TV licence on the son's name

Q: Here in the UK if people want to watch TV they have to pay for a TV license. The thing is I have a problem with my eyesight and people with disability only have to pay half of the price for the TV license, so years ago when I was a child my dad put the TV license in my name so we only have to pay half the price, so its in my name and the money comes out of my bank account so does that mean I get gunaah for it being in my name and paying for it and also do I get gunaah for all those people in the house who watch TV? I never chose to have it in my name. My patents made the choice when I was a kid and i only found out when I was older. What should I do?

Buying kitaabs online


A) I sent to emails to an islamicbooks website email saying

i) "Id like to order the following books to ** ******** Street ******** *** *** (Postcode). How much will it be with postage?"

ii) "I would like to order the following (these were names of kitabs) 1 ***** ***** 2 ***** ***** 3 **** ******* to this address ** ****************, *****, *******, *** ***, Can you send me the price of each one with total items postage? Jazakallahu khairaa"

B) Unfortunately without telling the price the books were shipped to my house.

C) After receiving the kitabs I have written some stuff in one kitaab.

D) Then (after writing) the price of the kitaabs and postage was told and the money was payed. I am happy with the books and price. Is it wajib for this bay to be cancelled?