Mutually agreeing to get married

Q: My parents and the girls parents have totally agreed that they will do our nikaah but due to some reasons it got delayed. The girl and I have also agreed for this relation. Does this fulfil the requirements of nikaah and does it mean that we are married at the moment because both parties have agreed with family members being the witness and I will give mahr after the nikaah on papers.

Dying creams

Q: I got to know that using dying creams is permissible if dyes are porous, but their is no indication on dying creams available in the market as to whether they are porous are not. How can I ensure whether my wudhu is valid or not?

Company fuel allowance

Q: I am working in a private company. Company has provided me a company maintained car for official and personal use. Allowed limit of fuel is 150 liters per month. Due to short traveling, I did not use the allowed quantity of fuel. Kindly guide me in the light of Islamic principles. May I use the extra fuel for my personal vehicle?

Making Ta'leem at home

Q: Please help me out from this problem. Let me tell you my problem. My family are not in right way. They are not pious and they are ignorant about Islam. They do all wrong things like taking loans unnecessarily, roaming here and there. Please give me some wazifa which can change my family.

Being patient and placing one's trust in Allah Ta'ala

Q: It has been three years since everything in my life has been going wrong and this point in my life is the most toughest. I have had to give my last born daughter 4 years to a madressah for two weeks to try and find a job and I have tried. I have used every single cent I could lay my hands on trying to find a job and I have come up with nothing. At this point I don't even have R6 for bread and I need to fetch my daughter at the end of this week. I feel very suffocated right now. I feel that I am a failure. What kind of a mother can't be there for her children. I have done everything I can for my children and now I'm not sure why but I do feel that I am loosing this battle and I need duas and advice as much as possible. All I ask for is to be able to provide for my children. Is that too much to ask for? I can't leave my baby there any longer and I don't think I can feed her when I do bring her.


Q: What is the ruling regarding the discharge of a woman.

1) When will her wudhu break?

2) Will she have to make qadha of her previous salaahs if she did not make wudhu when she discharged?

Abortion due to rape

Q: A girl is raped who then falls pregnant or a girl is deceived through mutah marriage who then falls pregnant. The girls in both scenarios want to abort the baby. In these extreme conditions, is abortion of the baby allowed?