Waiting for a little while after istinja

Q: I have a weak bladder due to which I cannot hold urine. After doing istinjaa I know if I will wash my private part and during washing if I try to hold my bladder, urine will come out because it cannot hold my urine which come's out due to pressure put by me trying to hold my bladder. Am I still considered mazoor? Can I still make wudhu when I know that urine drops which come out is because I have tried to hold my bladder during washing my private part? I mean before washing my private part I know if I hold my bladder, urine will come out due to it's weakness and I still make wudhu. Will my wudhu be valid? I know your ruling regarding mazoor and sorry for asking a confusing question.

Water collecting in the tub while bathing

Q: We shower in a tub. When we take a shower, water collects at one end of the tub though the tub has a drain but the water collects at one place and we use our feet to push that water towards the drain. My family members sometimes don't push the water and use the towel to wipe their feet and then place the towel with mine. Will my towel become impure? Sometimes the water seems soapy.


Q: What was the reply of Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi to that person who explained to him about his dream in which he read the kalima shareef as "Ashraf Ali Rasulullah"?

Paying zakaat on gold and cash together

Q: For zakaat, the cash is totaled up and 2.5 % is to be paid, but gold jewellery and silver are they separate? For example, someone has gold above the nisaab amount, they evaluate its worth and separately, calculate 2.5 % from its worth, or do they add its worth to the cash total and pay 2.5 % on the lump sum? Or do the cash amount and gold amount separately?

Zakaat related questions

Q: I have relatives who were not on the straight path and ignorant about Islam and now I want to help them to do their zakaat, so I have a number of questions.

1. How do we calculate a date for Zakaat? They're both above the Nisaab. Do we calculate via picking a new date or by estimating when they last went above the threshold for zakaat?

2. How should the zakaat of the past years be calculated? From what starting point?

3. If one has a debt, but has money that is above the threshold amount, must he pay zakaat? But if the debt is paid then he will be below zakaat, will he be obligated to pay zakaat still if he doesn't pay the debt for a year?

4. How is Zakaatul Fitr paid and is it Fardh?

5. Is zakaat due on inheritance?

Chinese herbs

Q: I was wondering what should one do if someone is trying to buy a specific Chinese herb for betterment of health but almost all Chinese companies promote Taoism and Chinese way of thought. Is it ok to buy from them with the correct intention, or is it not permissible due to the fact that you are giving them the means to continue their dawah?

Doubts regarding a child's vomit

Q: I suffer from extreme ocd and my family is not very well versed in matters of purity. I try to explain but they don't care. I am very cautious about this issue and they don't care. It has reached a point where I am thinking of leaving the house or maybe ALLAH forgive Islam all together. Their ignorance is giving me a hard time. My baby nephew vomited. They don't wash his clothes or where he voimited. What should I do? I can't wash every object. On the issue of vomit, can I follow the maaliki or salaafi madhab who don't consider vomit to be impure?