Doubts regarding impurity

Q: After menses I got discharge and there was blood in it. I went to the washroom and saw it was dry and stuck to my pants I didn't have time to clean
so I left it and decided to clean later on. When I went back the discharge was scraped off and a little was left. It probably got scraped by rubbing from my body and fell off through my pants. I don't know where it fell in the house. If I sweep and wipe the floors will the floors be impure. What do I do?

Commencing a report with Bismillah

Q: Insha Allah, I will soon be submitting a final report for my studies. The document contains an 'Acknowledgements' page, which I would like to begin with the complete English translation of: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. However, I am afraid of disrespecting the name of Allah, as I am not sure how the document will be handled. Would it be best not to print Bismillah, or will it be permissible to instead print 'In the name of the Almighty', or something similar? Please could Mufti Saab advise on what/what not to print.

Returning stolen money

Q: I took/stole some money when I was much younger and I am not sure whether I took zakaat or lillah money. Now when I am going to put the money back, what must I write on the envelope (because I'm not sure what money it was).

Salaatut taubah

Q: Are there any particular Surahs or zikr/tasbeeh to be recited during istighfar Salaah? Because in one book I read it says that one should perform istighfar salah two rakaats by reciting Surah qadr after Surah Fatiha and recite Astaghfirullah 140 time in total. Is this true? Is this the way it should be performed? Please clarify and guide me.

Travelling without a mahram

Q: I am an unmarried working woman and my questions are:

1. Can I travel with a non mehram senior colleague through plane from Lahore to Karachi?

2. Can I stay in Karachi for a week with that senior colleague in separate rooms?

3. Can I go to visit Karachi beach with 3 male colleagues after office?

Please guide me in both the cases if I have option to avoid this situation and if I dont have an option to avoid. I shall be thankful to you for your timely guidance.


Q: Last couple of months my wife is very sick and I would like to give out Sadaqa. My question is 1:-What intention I must make? 2:-Can I give this Sadaqa to poor Non Muslims?