
Q: I used to play cricket but I want to ask that some of our team boys gamble on every match. I don't, but I want to know that is it good to play in such a match where two players are gambling? They don't demand any money from us. 

Striving for the Hereafter

Q: I am a born Muslim, 21 years old. I have not been a practising Muslim my whole life, been into lots of major sins, may Allah forgive me. There is this one thing that has been bothering me for a while now: With the little amount of knowledge that I have, it is obvious that this life is just a test and the Aakhirah is the real place we should be working towards. And obviously we should give more than our best to be there and save ourselves from the hell fire. The thing is I am a computer engineer and I spend 12-13 hours of my day with my job, studies, etc. I at times even miss prayers and practically what I do during those 12-13 hours is in no way benefiting my Aakhirah. Would it not be better that I leave the job and get some Islamic education and do something in that, like teach Qur'an or anything at all so that it actually benefits me?

Keeping the name "Wahdaan"

Q: I was looking up names for my newborn baby boy and came across the name Wahdaan (meaning shows up as peerless, unique and singular). One of our good friends suggested that names like Ahad, Wahid, Wahdaan should not be kept for babies as only Allah Ta'ala is deserving of those names and humans should not be named with such names. Should I go ahead with the name Wahdaan or do you advise against it? Your help and clarification would be really appreciated.

Living in a hostel


1. I live in a hostel and I have to share bathrooms with kaafirs. My question is I have doubts about the purity of the bucket but I don't see any kind of visible najaasat. What I used to do was I fill up the bucket till the water overflow and I use the water from that bucket without throwing it and recently I have seen on this website that you have to throw the water to make that bucket pure. So was I impure all the time and do I have to repeat my prayers.

2. My room mate uses anti anti-perspirants like powder and I see particles on the floor and I don't know whether that powder is made from halaal sources or not. My leg touches those particles which is very much less than a dirham even after combining all the particles. Does my leg become impure and the places where I keep my feet also became impure? It was less than a dirham size.

Feeling happy about one's good actions

Q: Sometimes when we have done a good deed, or have said a good thing that is only for Allah's pleasure, we often feel good about what we have done, and sometimes these thoughts stay in our head for long. Please I want to know, is this associated with riya? Can my good deeds become invalid for this reason and how should I stop this "Self-thinking-Admiration" process. And also please can you help me with a link to download a book on riya in-depth. May Allah Reward you.