Q: Please advise on the acceptability in islam for the use of invertro in order to obtain a child for couples who are struggling to conceive a child.
Q: Please advise on the acceptability in islam for the use of invertro in order to obtain a child for couples who are struggling to conceive a child.
Q: My mother doesn't obey the rules of purda properly. She uses hijaab but after reaching school where she works she takes off the hijaab and wears a scarf. In this situation what should I do to get it right and what does Islam say?
Q: Is there any duas surahs etc specific to read in the last few months of pregnancy? Is there any dua one should recite on seeing their child the first time after birth?
Q: I worked for an organisation. Every year the organisation offers 6 weeks holidays at the end of the year. My six weeks holidays finished on the 26 January 2015. In the first week of December I gave my resignation that I will not be coming back to work next year (meaning from my new work year, from the 26 January). The organisation considered it and accepted my resignation on the 31 december 2014. They paid me until December. My argument with them is that they were supposed to pay me until the end of my holidays which is the 26 January 2015 as the holidays are always counted as paid. Is this correct?
Q: My wife was frustrated because of something and she said repeatedly that she is no more Muslim. But now she is worried about that and needs to ask about the status of her religion and we are also worried about our nikaah.
Q: I work as a taxi driver. I had a car that was always breaking down which meant I was missing a lot of work and always spending money to repair it. I have bought a car on finance. Please could you tell me if my earnings are haram as I am being charged interest on this finance.
Q: I am 16 years old , trying to be the best Muslim I possibly can. انشأ الله I am sorry to bother , all the time. It's just that I always feel like Allah is upset with me or Allahs curse is on me because my duas don't get accepted. I try harder to be a better person but I see no change. I be and do the best I can keeping Allah in mind all the time yet everything feels the same. I've been trying my best with Salaah and Quran and I'm trying my best to cut down the wrongs in my life but I don't see or feel a change. I don't know if I did something to upset Allah or what. How can I stop feeling this way? How would I know? What can I do?
Q: I tremendously respect the ulama of Deoband and especially Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanvi because of the Khidmat of the Deen they have done throughout their whole life. I have been really shocked when I read that one "scholar" of the past, Ahmed Reza Khan, has claimed that Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanvi was a disbeliever. Furthermore I have read that Ahmed Reza Khan has some links with the qaadyani. I do not want to pour oil on the flames but I would appreciate lengthy details about Ahmed Reza Khan and what opinion we should hold about him, although one should not become extreme and violent in such matters.
Q: I wanted to know, what is the correct Sunnah way to address your Mum and Dad? What did Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's) blessed children address him and Sayyidina Khadijah (Radiyallahu Anha) by? Was it Abba and Amma? Or Abu and Ummi? Or any other titles?
Q: I have a burning question and your enlightenment thereon will be highly appreciated. I have a friend who has a young daughter of 22. The daughter has been dating the son of a couple who will be leaving for umrah Insha Allah soon. This couple will be leaving their house and son in the care of the boy’s grandmother. My question is: Does the Umrah become null if these youngsters continue seeing each other in the company of the grandmother or go on an outing like they normally do when the boy’s parents are around during the period the boy’s parents are on Umrah?