Ma'zoor due to urine drops

Q: I have asked many times these questions regarding a mazoor with incontinence of urine, but my problems are getting worse. It is very difficult for me to wash my private part and clothes for every Salaah. I don't want to leave my prayer. Can I only make wudhu and pray namaz and Qur'an, because it is very hard to wash the private part and clothes for every Salaah for a mazoor like me? Please guide me according to Hadith.

Impurity coming on a blanket

Q: I saw a spot of blood on the blanket. I was on my monthly cycle but there was already blood spot on another place which was not impure blood. But I noticed another spot and I'm not sure whether it's impure or not though the bedding etc is not stained. If I give the blanket for washing in laundry as the blanket is big and difficult to wash will it suffice and be pure?

Olive oil


1. Besides olive oil, were any other varieties of oils used by the households of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the Sahabah (Radiallahu Anhum) for cooking?

2. What type of oil was used by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the Sahabah (Radiallahu Anhum) for oiling their hair?

3. Is it also Sunna to oil the beard?

Masbooq completing the missed rakaats before the Imaam makes salaam

Q: A person I know came with me to the Friday prayers. He is not very knowledgeable in Fiqh like myself and we are both non-Aalims. I got out and my companion went to park, but time was running short already, so I managed to find a space, but wasn't sure whether my companion got there on-time. Anyway, I prayed and finished the namaaz. When I got towards the back row I noticed my companion, he pulled me to the side and he was concerned if his prayer was valid, he explained to me the following situation: He came and the Jamaat rose for the 2nd rak'ah, he joined them in the 2nd rak'ah. So when they went into Tashahhud and my companion got up before the Imaam made tasleem, either out of forgetfulness or ignorance, and he quickly managed to finish his final rak'ah and apparently still managed to say the tasleem with the Imaam. He didn't do two prostrations of forgetfulness either. If he neglected to say the Tashahhud out of ignorance as well, would that affect the verdict? What is the verdict anyway?

Moving into a new home


1. I am soon going to move into my new home. I want to invite my friends and our local Musjid musallees to come to my new home to recite Qur'an and thereafter I will feed them. Is it permissible for me to do so?

2. When one moves into one's new home, what A'maal should one carry out in order to bring blessings in the home?