Hanafi Imaam reciting qunoot in Fajr Salaah in a predominantly Shafiee masjid

Q: When the Shaafiee Imaam is not here, the musallis ask me to lead the Fajr Salaah. Since I'm a Hanafi, will it be appropriate for me to read qunoot with the niyyah of qunoot e naazila so as not to create confusion. It is a Shafiee masjid and many people are ignorant about these fiqhi ikhtilaafs.

I remember once a Hanafi Imaam led the Fajr Salaah and he did not read qunoot. After salaah there was a commotion and people started talking to one another that qunoot was not read. Please guide me what to do.

Gelatine derived from non-halaal sources

Q: What is the Shariah ruling regarding gelatine? Most of the halaal certifying bodies here are of the opinion that gelatine derived from non-halaal sources is halaal. They aver that the gelatine derived from non-halaal sources undergoes a "metamorphisis" and therefore is halaal. But the matter is indestructible and surely their contentions cannot be correct? However, it eludes logical comprehension that apparently our Ulama has yet to challenge the halaal certifying bodies concerned in regard to the issue and the halaal certifying bodies remain unchallenged. But what is your take on the matter?